What Does a Reddit Government Shill Account Look Like?

( a screencap of the reddit post in the feed that sort of set off my shill alarm )

Found a prime example of a government sponsored shill account(?) on reddit by the username of:



The above screenshot does absolutely no justice, if you're interested in what a government shill account looks like, it is a prime example. The whole account posts almost exclusively main stream media news articles following obvious narrative. Very few if any actual comments or much for replies or conversations with others..

All what I see as textbook shill activity and clearly not a normal user account. Thoughts?

Nearly if not all of the posts are poorly received votes wise, have next to no comments on them and seem simply to be a loudspeaker for the current government narrative at the times of posting, it was quite an eye-opener when I stumbled upon this account and had a twinge within my head to check the accounts posting history only to find the almost exclusive posting of MSM (main stream media) news articles on the r/AnythingGoesNews subreddit.. Which generally at one point was a decent source of global news from sources other than MSM for the most part.

Is this just a case of me seeing patterns where they aren't actually there? Or is this a decent example of a shill account pushing a government narrative? Weigh in with your thoughts in the comments!


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