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For this reason, women prefer them ugly

I do not know if it's happened to them that they are walking down the street and they see a super nice girl and next to her a man really is UGLY! ... Like the Disney movie "La Beauty and the Beast". And we ask ourselves, what is it that he has to be with a girl soooo cute.

According to one study, women are much happier when they are next to a man who is, in all its letters, frightening.

For the study, researchers at Florida State University evaluated the relationships of 113 newly married couples, with an average age of 20, to understand if attractiveness plays a role in overall happiness.

The results of the investigation showed that women who have attractive spouses try to lose weight to look better.

Women in this category answered affirmative questions such as: "I feel extremely guilty after eating," "I like my stomach is empty," and "I am terrified of gaining weight."

On the contrary, women who did not have attractive husbands did not feel the need to make physical or nutritional efforts to be in the competition of sensuality against other women, which makes a woman truly happy. Instead of worrying about being as sexy as their husbands, these women come to fully enjoy their life alongside their unsightly men.
