UN DEMANDS PRICE CONTROLS! - Globalists Tell Central Banks To STOP Interest Rate Hikes & CRACK DOWN!

See the FULL video report HERE:

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Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent demands by the United Nations that central banks worldwide stop raising interest rates and instead start enforcing price controls and price fixing EXACTLY as the Great Reset agenda prescribes.
As inflation skyrockets, currencies collapse, the bond market craters and the stock market dangles on the edge of a cliff, the same things that caused this to happen are the same things they're utilizing to allegedly "fix" the problem.
This is classic Hegelian Dialectic, also known as "problem, reaction, solution, repeat."
The United Nations and IMF calling for central banks to do price fixing is an instigation of war against businesses throughout the world as they are getting blamed for the psychopathic destruction of the economy by the governments and central banks.

In this video, we break down the dangers of this recent demand as the economies of the world collapse into the new system of economic governance which will no doubt by the BRICS world reserve system. China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Turkey, Egypt and more.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!


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