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Pelosi ORDERS ARRESTS Of Opposition! - NEW INSANE Mask Mandates! - This Will NEVER End!

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Josh Sigurdson reports on the most recent insanity within the US government as Nancy Pelosi orders the Capitol Police to arrest those not wearing masks. This includes politicians who are currently suing her for her unconstitutional mask enforcement.
As Thomas Massie and Rep. McCarthy face possible arrest for simply not covering their face like they're in a tin pot dictatorship, Pelosi pushes the gauntlet further.
Meanwhile, there is literally no scientific evidence to back up masks and people have seemingly conveniently forgotten about the fact that Fauci was caught lying about masks himself in emails just two months ago. The leaks showed that he privately doesn't think masks work, but publicly he claims anyone that questions the game of theater he's involved in is "anti-science." It is absurdity of the highest level!

Stay tuned for more from WAM!


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