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Biden SHRUGS As Inflation Skyrockets! - Millions Out Of Work & MASSIVE Collapse On The Horizon!

See the FULL video report on BitChute HERE:

Josh Sigurdson reports on the inflation apocalypse we are currently facing, not just in the US, but worldwide as unthinkable quantities of currency are printed daily.
President Joe Biden recently said when asked of the inflation numbers that they were simply "temporary" and that he "respects the independence of the Federal Reserve."
Of course, presidents are owned by central banks and the banking system is likely the most powerful institution in the world outside of perhaps pharmaceutical corporations. While 14 million people are out of work in the United States and the welfare programs grow, bonds are being pumped by the Federal Reserve despite all the while collapsing. This is blatant market manipulation, but the Biden Administration doesn't seem to care.
This will continue to cause an earthquake of poverty and wealth inequality which so many stupidly blame on wages without understanding the underlying issue of inflation.
In this video we report on why Biden's statements are absurd and why people need to prepare NOW.

Stay tuned for more from WAM!


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