Clif High from shares more Web Bot data concerning the near future!!!

Hi everyone. Clif High, from is an email acquaintance of mine. He has advised me a couple of times, and is a very interesting person. He is pretty much a "coding" genius, and has come up with a set of programs that search the web for the collective psychic-ness of those of us who share this planet "Terra." He has been able to boil down the components of the incredible amount of data resulting from such data "runs" into various types of reports he has produced over time. Currently, these reports run monthly and are called the "Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis Intelligence Report" or ALTA report (many of you might know them as the Web Bots), and have been fine-tuned to be very accurate in predicting future events--immediate, short, and long term events, that is. Usually after doing an ALTA report run, the Web Bots are not done searching the web, and there is residual data that Clif feels is important to his subscribers (which I am one of). Sometimes he reports publicly on that data. A couple days ago (6th October, 2016), he posted a four part video discussion of some of that data that he deemed important. Clif is concerned that the data suggests some very upsetting political, economical, and social changes will be at our doorstep soon, including the possibility of full-out war. I am posting links to those videos below: 

Part 1 of 4

Part 2 of 4

Part 3 of 4

Part 4 of 4

(Source is Clif's YouTube account)

I hope you check out Clif's work. He is a decent guy. You can find him at the following places: where you can find the ALTA report (he takes BTC, and PayPal, as well as ferns, and PM)

His Twitter account, where can get up-to-date info from him.

And, his YouTube account

I hope you got something from his videos. If you know him and run into him somewhere, tell him "James_Somewhere In Idaho" says hi. ~Cheers~

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