Love HIm Or Hate Him - Avi Yemeni is persistent

I like Avi's straight forwardness. I also like his conviction, as I don't carry that same level.

Some of his opinions, particularly, his bias towards his Jewish race, always made me look at his content sceptically.

However, since he had a heart attack and died, his journalism has improved so much.

I have friends who automatically discredit what he says. They shoot the messenger even before hearing the message.

On Saturday's freedom protest he was arrested.

Today, he released footage relating to that day.

He has created a petition here

Avi has more right-wing beliefs. But, I try to listen to multiple POV to establish as much clarity as possible.

Do you think the police are justified?

I think that opinions are polarised. The "Freedom" needs to be tempered to balance with those that believe some control is required - to what level? I'd like to have some robust discussion. To work out the truth behind the virus, & its danger upon the populace. Attemp to get people moving forward, so that we don't become an economic basketcase, with depressed people and a crippling debt level.

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