Bruce Fenton Joins HardFork Series Advisory & Eric is in NYC!

The response to the HardFork teaser trailer has been amazing, and we are so flattered and humbled that you all liked it! The entire team can’t say thank you enough for all of your continuous support! Since the premiere of the teaser trailer there have been a few updates that we’d like to share with you all.

@ericvancewalton landed in NYC this morning! It’s so great having him here on the east coast, and we are getting a lot of work done on the series. We’re currently working on some long term storylines and the creative juices are flowin’!

Additionally, we are so thrilled to announce the newest member of the HardFork Series advisory board…

Bruce Fenton!

We’re beyond excited to have Bruce Fenton join our project as an advisor. He has made huge strides in the blockchain world to say the least.

Bruce Fenton is the CEO Chainstone Labs; a company focused on blockchain, tokenization of securities, and decentralized asset management. Bruce is also the Managing Director of Atlantic Financial, the first full service investment company on the Internet. He is the founder of the Satoshi Roundtable Private Blockchain Retreat, and is a board member of Medici Ventures and Bitcoin Foundation.

That’s all for now, we’ll keep you updated as things move forward!

Yours in the chain,
The HardFork Team

@HardFork-Series is an upcoming narrative film mini-series with a decentralized filmmaking approach to be produced in New York City and around the world, the team includes writer @ericvancewalton, writer/director @dougkarr, star and writer @bakerchristopher, writer @the-alien, executive producer @andrarchy, producer @skycorridors, associate producer @gilliancrawford, growth hacker @nickytothenines, the amazing HardFork-Universe crew, and the entire Steemit community. Please reach out to any and all of us to get involved, or simply reply below and we'll reach out!

We'd also love it if people posted about their ideas on Steemit using the #hardforkseries tag, we just want to point out that in order to avoid any liability that we will be assuming everything posted within that tag is intended to be a derivative work of the HardFork series and so the HardFork team cannot be liable for any apparent similarities between the content and the final product.

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