Trump Gets North Korea to Agree to Denuclearization in 1 day

Say what you want about President Cheeto but the man gets shit done!


Many people before him have tried unsuccessfully to ease the tensions on the Korean peninsula, some didn't try at all and others were just hoping the situation would work itself out after 60 years. That didn't happen..

The result was that the rogue nation's regime was left alone to develop it's nuclear program up to the point of actually being able to launch ballistic missles that could hit North America.

Along comes Donald J Trump

The Don threatens Kim, his dynasty and the world with harsh words and military displays in the Pacific and everyone says he's crazy.

Politicians and the mainstream media squawk he's leading America into war, World War 3 and the end of times as we know it.

Relax Nancy


So in Singapore, on Day 1 of the summit between Kim Jong Un and Trump they've already agreed in principal to start working towards complete denuclearization of North Korea.

This is huge!

Sure alot of things will have to take place first on that front before anyone is convinced, it could still fall apart.. but you've got to give credit where credit is due. This is a major event!

It's because of Trump's rhetoric and tough handling of Kim's missle tests that we've reached this moment.

The DPRK has starved it's people and isolated itself all to develop missles to protect it's regime and it worked.

Kim has to receive some credit here too for his testicular fortitude, sheer will and handling of the world's strongest nation. He's now going to get safety assurances and most likely see economic benefit from working with the US to destroy it's nuclear program. Maybe he can turn his nation's fortune around and actually positively contribute something to the world now? It's early but we'll see.. probably not

The media portrays Kim as a complete nut job aswell but he's actually quite calculated and from a weakened position manuvoured his way to this point.


The mainstream media is horseshit

According to Google news this historical development is the 7th most popular story today.

The first two articles recommended to me are on people bitching and moaning about Trump's potential trade tarriffs on Canada.

Oh there's also a poignant piece about Robert DeNiro apologizing to Canadians for Trump's bad will toward it's northern neighbor.

Save it Bob, we're not all as fired up as you think here in Canada..

See our leader is a pansy, he praises dictators and his toughest decisions are usually what color socks to wear that day?


The part time drama teacher turned Prime Minister was never ready to engage in the tough negotiations on trade with someone of Trumps ilk. We're not even sure he really cares about actual Canadians?

So while alot of the world gets fired up about every tweet that Mr. Trump sends out and trying to make him look a fool, alot of us in Canada just wish we had someone that was half as worried and capable of protecting our interests as the President of the United States is.

So I commend everyone involved in the Singapore peace talks, if this can work out history is not going to remember or care about any crazy tweets or false allegations against Trump, the record will only reflect that he was instrumental in restoring peace to an area technically at war for decades.

Thanks for reading,



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