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I have done 65 years of sympathy for the victims of the past.
Let them lie...
It is the victims of the present that I am concerned about.

So many countries have been bombed to radio-active dust in the middle east and only because they would not think globally as is insisted upon by the predators.
Every one of those countries, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria & Yemen were doing just fine with usury illegal under Islamic law & so they did not have Black Nobility owned national banks.
That is why they are attacked and bombed back to the dark ages, they refused to submit to globalisation.

The predators are creating as much confusion as they can to hide their hand in all this. Israel is already nicking chunks of Syria, granting oil drilling licences in the Golan Heights and blatantly sticking two fingers up to the UN who have made endless resolutions against their expansion program of building settlements on Palestinian land.
The current war against Iraq and Syria is a war conducted by their proxy armies ISIS and the US with token aid from France and UK.
Russia interfered at Assad's request and revealed that ISIS is not quite the bogey man that they would have us believe.
The mass exodus of refugees provides the added bonus of pressurising Europe into pre-planned poverty and ruin.

So now what?

Right now the predators are mad with Russia (again) - they have always hated Russia since the 10th century when Russia drove them out of their native land Khazaria. The modern Khazars are the relatively recent political gang we know as Zionists and they are not genuine jews in any recognisable form!
Their nation converted under duress but they have never obeyed the Torah preferring instead to have a version of the Talmud which they have adopted from ancient Babylon. It seems to be somewhat atheistic and sadistic to anyone that is not in their exclusive club.

It suits the predators to pretend to be Jesuits or Jews... centuries of pretending to be Jesuits or Jews, hiding among them and exploiting them. They sacrificed so many of the real Catholics and Jews to achieve their long held desire to own Palestine, creating what they like to call the holocaust to extract reparations from the Germans and sympathy money from the rest of the world.
They have this notion that they will create the capital of the world in Jerusalem. They have already built the imposing international court house there to show their intent. They are undermining the Dome on the Rock Mosque to eventually build their ambitious replacement temple. But I think this is just to keep the Jews coming to Israel and believing in the carefully spun illusion. It also squeezes more donations out of the fundamental Christian Zionists. How jolly lucrative that is.

Meanwhile, the real predator fat cats are lording it over London Washington and the Vatican, ensuring that the financial centre of London has secretly become "Jerusalem in England's green & pleasant land" - it certainly provides them with a lucrative financial centre that is protected from British Law by the ancient and Roman treaty which gave the square mile that we call the "City" it's amazing independence.

I fully expect them to pull off the mother of all false flag events very soon and since they appear to be following Revelations, as if it were a blueprint for global ecocide, I expect them to stage an enormous nuclear attack in Armageddon, Israel which, of course, will be blamed on Iran. Jewish population in Israel has recently topped 6 million. I am sure the significance of that number does not escape my readers.

The Russians have a treaty with Iran.
Thus the US and the Russians will be dragged into a mutually destructive nuclear war, rather rapidly destroying everything that breathes on this planet.

The predators, supreme architects of this horror show, will be safely tucked in their deep underground bunkers waiting for all life on earth to fry away, conveniently reduced to dust.
Tidy end to a two thousand year plan. The silence will be awesome, no doubt.

The predators have made no secret of their seed banks and genetic material from every animal that they will require when the nuclear fallout is over - maybe a few generations from now.
The dream will then be to emerge again to the new surface, owning the entire planet and restocking "nature" to suit their own, undoubtedly pre-planned and rather fetching design.

That is what I think is intended.
That is how crazy these lunatics are.
But of course, in their megalomaniacal minds,
all this mayhem is somehow justifiable because they are the Chosen.
But by whom are they chosen?
It seems to me that they have chosen themselves to become the fathers of a new humanity, a new nature, a new planet that will be exclusively theirs, the ultimate human designed paradise......
I would love to be wrong.

(originally written as a Facebook post in June 2016)