The FRN Daily News Brief 2020-04-01

This Daily FRN News Brief is a summary of 11, articles about Eurasia, Headline-News, Russia, Science, Anglo-5, Opinions, United-States, Donbass, Ukraine, Mena, Politics, Syria, Iraq, Ksa, Yemen, Israel, Defense, Eu, Iran, United-Kingdom.

Tags in this brief: Coronavirus, Russia, Democracy, Human Rights, Martial Law, State Of Emergency, Vaccine, USA, Donbass, Ukraine, War Crimes, Syria, US Imperialism, War, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Covid-19, Haredi, Orthodox Judaism, Passover, Decline, Empire, Eu, Imperialism, KSA, Macedonia, Military, NATO, Crimes Against Humanity, Oil, Prestige, Capitalism, Elite Culture, Misanthropy, Monarchy, Murder, NHS, This Is England.

Let us know in the comments if there is anything you miss coverage on!

Table of Contents

COVID-19 “Figured out” by Russian Scientists

Published 2020-04-01 22:02:44 by Guest Author in Eurasia, Headline-News, Russia, Science

By Arthur Evans - With more and more people around the world becoming infected with coronavirus, most countries are introducing quarantine measures. However, the situation with the spread of the COVED-19 epidemic can hardly be seen as a controlled one. In Russia, 1,836 people in 71 regions have so far been infected, with 66 people having recovered and nine fatalities. The government is doubling down on its efforts to get on top of the situation having additional beds being made available at hospitals, launching a dedicated coronavirus hotline and advising people to self-isolate to avoid contracting the dangerous virus. While... Continue ->

Tags: Coronavirus, Russia

Coronavirus – No Vaccine Is Needed to Cure It

Published 2020-04-01 17:15:14 by Guest Author in Anglo-5, Headline-News, Opinions, United-States

By Peter Koenig Global Research, April 01, 2020 The New York Times reported on 30 March that President Trump retreated from his earlier statement that by 12 April the COVID-19 lock-down should be over and its “back-to-work” time. Instead he said that an extension to the end of April was necessary – and possibly even to June. This, he said, was following the guidance of his advisors, of whom Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), within the National Institute for Health (NIH), is one. Virus COVID-19 has so far caused far less infections and... Continue ->

Tags: Democracy, Human Rights, Martial Law, State Of Emergency, Vaccine

US Teen Who May Have Died of Coronavirus Turned Away From Urgent Care Due to Lack of Insurance

Published 2020-04-01 12:00:26 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Headline-News, United-States

California, US - A California teenager who died last week, possibly from coronavirus, was turned away from an urgent care because he lacked health insurance. Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris said in a video that the 17-year-old had no previous health conditions and was healthy Friday, socializing with friends, before he passed away Wednesday, The Hill reported. "Wednesday, he had gone to an urgent care," he stated, adding, "He didn't have insurance, so they did not treat him." Parris said the teen was sent to the hospital but went into cardiac arrest on the way and died. He was briefly revived, but ultimately... Continue ->

Tags: Coronavirus, USA

Heavy Shelling by Ukrop Nazis on Fool's Day Eve

Published 2020-04-01 11:18:19 by Russell Bentley in Donbass, Eurasia, Headline-News, Ukraine

Last night, FRN reported on heavy shelling of Donbass, perpetrated by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Today we got the confirmation of the attack by Russell "Texas" Bentley. FRN Editorial Board Ukrainian nazis and war criminals unleashed heavy shelling on the entire DPR last night in a coordinated attack from the Mariupol area in the south all the way to Gorlovka. Civilian houses and apartments were targeted, as well as civilian infrastructure including electric transmission lines and seven brand new busses for public transport. The number of heavy shells fired in the 24 hour period was 427, almost double the previous... Continue ->

Tags: Donbass, Ukraine, War Crimes

Russian Military: US Plans to Transfer Cargo to Syrian Militants Disguised as Aid for Refugees

Published 2020-04-01 10:00:50 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Eurasia, Headline-News, Mena, Politics, Russia, Syria, United-States

MOSCOW - The Rukban camp, which houses up to 25,000 refugees is located in the US-controlled zone around its unauthorized military base at Al-Tanf, making it almost impossible for humanitarian workers to access the area. "The American side cynically seeks to take advantage of the situation concerning the spread of the coronavirus and is putting pressure on the UN leadership to bring 'humanitarian aid' to the Rukban refugee camp under the guise of diagnostic tools to feed controlled militants," the interagency coordinating headquarters of Russia and Syria said in a joint statement on Saturday, Sputnik reported. The military stressed that... Continue ->

Tags: Syria, US Imperialism, War

IRAQI ANALYST: US Looking for Reoccupation of Iraq

Published 2020-04-01 09:00:29 by Drago Bosnic in Anglo-5, Headline-News, Iraq, Mena, United-States

BAGHDAD - A senior Iraqi political analyst warned against a new plot by Washington to deploy the elite forces after evacuating its so-called diplomatic centers and shutting down important military bases such as al-Qayyareh, K1 and Kirkuk. "The US has started its moves and is trying to bring to power the Washington-backed Adnan al-Zorfi for the post of prime minister in Iraq," Karim al-Khikani said in an exclusive interview with the Arabic-language al-Maloumeh news website. He noted that the recent movements by the US and reducing the number of its embassy staff in Baghdad and closing some of its military... Continue ->

Tags: Iraq, US Imperialism

MAJOR: Houthis Say Sensitive Sites in Saudi Capital Hits by Missiles, Drones

Published 2020-04-01 08:00:26 by Drago Bosnic in Headline-News, Ksa, Mena, Yemen

SANA'A - Yemeni Armed Forces announced they have targeted strategic and sensitive sites in Saudi Arabia’s capital Riyadh and elsewhere in the Wahhabi kingdom by a squadron of domestically-manufactured combat drones and ballistic missiles. Brigadier General Yahya Saree said on Sunday afternoon that Sammad-3 (Invincible-3) unmanned aerial vehicles and Zulfiqar short-range ballistic missiles struck designated targets in Riyadh last night with great precision, PressTV reported. He noted that Yemeni army forces and allied fighters from Popular Committees launched a barrage of Badr short-range ballistic missiles in addition to a squadron of Qasef-2k (Striker-2k) combat drones to pound economic and military... Continue ->

Tags: Saudi Arabia, War, Yemen

NYT: "Orthodox Jews in Israeli have 60% hospitalization rate - Infect themselves and others with Covid-19"

Published 2020-04-01 06:15:44 by Joaquin Flores in Headline-News, Israel, Mena

TEL AVIV - In Israel, Orthodox Jewish communities (Haredim) do not follow the rules to curb the spread of the coronavirus. As a result, they are massively infected with a coronavirus infection and infect others. This was reported by The New York Times. The virus spreads in Haredi communities four to eight times faster than the average for Israel. This is due to the fact that the orthodox refuses to observe isolation, continuing to conduct all religious rites, celebrate weddings and attend mass funerals. Israeli authorities are now considering blocking entire communities to protect the general public. The share of haredim among the population... Continue ->

Tags: Coronavirus, Covid-19, Haredi, Orthodox Judaism, Passover

SAVIN: NATO 'Expands' Into Terminal Decline

Published 2020-04-01 05:10:57 by Guest Author in Anglo-5, Defense, Eu, Headline-News, Opinions, United-States

By Leonid Savin - Geopolitical analyst, Chief editor of, founder and chief editor of Journal of Eurasian Affairs; head of the administration of International Eurasian Movement. - Although most media outlets, including purely political resources, are currently writing about the coronavirus pandemic, geopolitical processes continue to run their course. It’s just that the amount of information about COVID-19 is somewhat overshadowing a number of events, and some, like the spread of the virus itself, have far-reaching consequences. One of these took place last week. On 20 March, the president of Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, signed a document that officially approves... Continue ->

Tags: Decline, Empire, Eu, Imperialism, KSA, Macedonia, Military, NATO

US Strike on Iraq Imminent: What are the imperialist's goals?

Published 2020-04-01 04:51:38 by Guest Author in Headline-News, Iran, Mena, Opinions

TEHRAN, Apr. 01 (MNA) – By: Payman Yazdani - The spread of the coronavirus and its devastating impact on the US economy and US efforts to reduce Iran's regional influence are possible motives behind US potential military action in Iraq. While the world is fighting against the COVID-19 outbreak, regional countries including Iraq have been witnessing widespread US military moves in recent days. Most News outlets and political analysts have anticipated an imminent massive military action in Iraq due to the extent of US military moves. Any possible military aggression carried out by Trump’s administration comes as the US and the... Continue ->

Tags: Coronavirus, Covid-19, Crimes Against Humanity, Imperialism, Oil, Prestige, War, War Crimes

'Piss-off and die' - NHS denies own worker basic care - He dies at home alone scared and heartbroken

Published 2020-04-01 00:45:20 by Joaquin Flores in Anglo-5, Headline-News, United-Kingdom

When the British state collapses (not talking parliamentary politics here), and the monarchy finds their heads on pikes, it's events like this that will have motivated the people to do so. The NHS does not care for its own, nor the country - an indictment against a broken system in a broken society. For too long the elites have lived in a feel-good opium-cloud of ineffective and self-congratulatory charity and identity politics, rubbing elbows with 15 minuters and handing each-other humanitarian awards at red-carpet galas - while doing nothing to require government to fulfill the mandate of a nation. The... Continue ->

Tags: Capitalism, Crimes Against Humanity, Elite Culture, Misanthropy, Monarchy, Murder, NHS, This Is England

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