YouTuber The Over Reactor Is Promoting Fake Pedophilia

When I was 8 years old, I went away to camp that same summer that I was to celebrate my ninth birthday. It was a church camp. There were pre-teenage and teenage girls in the cabin above us, and they were very loud at night right before they went to sleep. The other boys and I could hear their footsteps pounding on our ceiling from above it.

These young girls above us would often come down to our cabin to flirt with the male camp counselors. The male camp counselors were mostly in their twenties, even in their thirties.

There was this one girl whose name I vaguely recall being Debbie. She was 13 years old, and she would come down to our cabin to hang around this one camp counselor. The other boys and I had seen her kiss this one camp counselor in a lovey-dovey manner on various occasions. However, none of us thought anything of it, because when you’re under 10 years of age, teenagers and twenty-something-years-olds all tend to look alike to you.

Nowadays if anyone were ever to see a 13-year-old girl kissing a camp counselor who was in his twenties or even 18 or 19 years old, the public would get worked up into a frenzy. The United States of America has become a Puritanical purgatory, and there are individuals in our nation who are too stupid to distinguish a teenager from a toddler.

When I was going to paralegal school in the city so many years ago, one of our instructors told us that she used to get the most outlandish telephone calls from complainants back when she was working as a prosecutor in the public sector. For example, she got numerous telephone calls from dog owners who would want to bring capital murder charges against a neighbor for shooting their dog dead after these dog owners had refused to take their dog inside at night and had allowed for it to bark and keep others awake all night long. This female instructor told us that she would tell these dog owners that she could indict their neighbor for animal cruelty, but she could not treat that neighbor’s actions as a capital offense.

American society has gone berserk in recent years about the most ludicrous things. Pedophilia is always being overly politicized in our society, even when such related controversy involves a minor who has not had baby teeth in their mouth for some time now. Most unfortunately, self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts are starting to make their way over to the Hive blockchain, and we all need to be prepared to withstand and even stand up to their rhetoric and pedophile-panic propaganda.

Pedophile-panic paranoia is running rampant everywhere here in the United States of America. An 18-year-old YouTuber named Tori Assise recently made false accusations against a man of being a pedophile merely for invading her space as described in Jason B Truth’s article titled “Eighteen-Year-Old Women Are Not Little Girls.”

So many years ago Mario Lopez was accused of rape. The charges against him eventually went south. However, not too long ago he danced with JoJo Siwa on Access Hollywood, who at the time was 16 years old. Now, I’ve never been a big fan of Mario Lopez. However, in this day and age of pedophile-panic politics, it has me concerned that he was taking a major risk by being a man in his forties dancing on camera with an underage girl, especially when you consider the fact that he had faced rape accusations in the past. He certainly doesn’t want to end up on Corey Feldman’s watch list of Hollywood deviants. Not that I take Corey Feldman seriously, but I think you’re going to know what I mean once you’ve read this entire article here of mine.

Self-proclaimed child advocates and self-appointed pedo-experts are the most mentally unhinged individuals in the world in that they believe that they can merely waive their imaginary pedophile wand at anyone and suddenly turn that person into a pedophile without any formal medical diagnosis to substantiate such a claim. One of these wackos is YouTuber The Over Reactor. For the purpose of this article, I will refer to him as “TOR.”

1.  TOR Does Not Know When To Take A Hint That He Is Way Out Of Line

If you have read my article titled “Hector Vera Is Not A Danger To 14-Year-Old Girls. ETHAN FAIR IS!,” you probably realize that TOR has been harassing and stalking Hector Vera since the beginning of this past summer. TOR takes such an obsession over falsely branding strangers as being pedophiles that if the talking horse from Mister Ed were still alive, TOR would even go as far as accusing him of being a pedophile for merely telling a teenage girl that she had a beautiful smile, which brings me to another concern. TOR is unable to differentiate between toddlers and teenagers.

In a nutshell, TOR is promoting what has been coined as FAKE PEDOPHILIA. That is, it is whenever someone falsely accuses another person of being a pedophile either based upon mendacious information or based upon that accuser’s lack of understanding and knowledge of what a psychiatric condition such as pedophilia entails before someone can be diagnosed with it. TOR clearly falls into this category in all respects.

TOR proclaims himself to be an online “pedophile” catcher. However, in watching his YouTube videos, I have never seen him leave his residence to confront anyone suspected of seeking to commit a sex crime against a child. I understand that Governor Gavin Newsom has placed restrictions throughout TOR’s home state of California on when someone can leave their residence because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but TOR claims to have been doing what he has been doing for two years. Therefore, he should have at least some footage on his YouTube channel of himself confronting a suspect in person outside his residence, but he doesn’t to the best of my knowledge.

TOR has never run an underage sex sting operation from an actual sting house. He merely surfs around the Internet, looking to bait anyone he can so that he can point his finger at that person and accuse him or her of being a pedophile regardless of whether or not he has condemning evidence against him or her to that effect. This man is about as phony as a three dollar bill, and his shenanigans only keep on getting worse and worse.

TOR will not leave Mr. Vera alone, even though Ethan Fair continues to pose a danger to girls as young as 12 and 13 years old after having ruined the life of Danielle Cohn as described in my article titled “Is Pedophilia Merely A Figment Of The Imagination?,” my article titled “Teenage Social-Media Influencer Danielle Cohn Is Better Off With Adult Boyfriend,” Part 1 of my article titled “Hector Vera Is Not A Danger To 14-Year-Old Girls. ETHAN FAIR IS!,” and my article titled “Ethan Fair? Have You No Shame?”. TOR lives in California where Ethan Fair also resides; but he has no interest in stopping this punk from hurting other underage girls as he did to Danielle Cohn, because obviously he thinks that Ethan’s sexual misconduct is normal adolescent behavior by some self-defined standard.

After posting eleven defamatory videos about Mr. Vera, TOR has taken his witch hunt against him above and beyond. TOR has me so furious that I feel like taking his pedophile wand and shoving it up right up his rear end. He has recently posted another video on YouTube insisting that Mr. Vera is a child predator and a pedophile, when fact has it that Mr. Vera has not really violated any laws that would identify him as a child predator and no mental-health professional has ever formally diagnosed him as a pedophile. Here is TOR’s video below.

TOR Continues To Persecute Hector Vera Despite That He Has No Real Evidence Against Him Of Criminality

When I was living in New York City, a co-worker of mine named Justino told me that he had taught high school back when he was living in Puerto Rico; and he assured me that the female students in his classes were not little girls. I am more anti-pedophile than TOR is, but I’m also firmly opposed to self-appointed pedo-experts misconstruing precociously developed teenage girls as being potential objects of a pedophile’s desires. It is as though these people have the inability to live in the real world, and everything is their way or the highway.

2.  TOR Promotes Fake Pedophilia Through His YouTube Channel

TOR? When you go disguising yourself online as a prepubescent girl in the crayons-and-playground phase of her life to stop an absolute lowlife of all humanity from harming a little kid as you have done in some of your videos, I can almost respect you as a person and commend everything that you do. However, when you go slandering and harassing a decent YouTuber like Hector Vera as you did in your video above and in previous videos of yours, I begin to see you as nothing more than an unscrupulous tabloid news reporter who is looking to make fun of anyone whom you perceive as not fitting your elitist mold of normalcy and age-appropriate perfection.

The statutory of consent is 14 years old in Bulgaria and in other nations, TOR. Therefore, you really have no place to take your so-called point about Mr. Vera in which you wrongfully imply that he is somehow a sexual misfit. Moreover, he continues to deny that he is even sexually attracted to girls in their early teens; and even if he were, he would still not qualify to be a pedophile according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (“DSM-5”). However, if you read my last article about you here on the Hive blockchain, you already knew that fact.

Like his previous videos, TOR did a very poor job with the audio in the video above. I could barely hear his voice in it while he blasted Mr. Vera’s voice. TOR flashed messages and notes on and off his computer screen so quickly that I did not have enough time to read them or even make out what they were saying.

TOR? Some of us do not appreciate having to pause a video every two to three minutes. It detracts from the overall quality of the video, which, in your case, there was no quality to your video at all. Everything you did in that video, TOR, was very unprofessional, to say the least about it.

Self-appointed pedo-experts act the way they do, because they usually have insecurities about their own sexuality; and TOR is no exception to that same rule. Self-appointed pedo-experts are the most hypocritical people you could ever know on the face of the planet. I would not doubt that TOR has a subscription to Netflix and has secretly watched the movie titled Cuties at least ten times. I’m not saying that it is a bad movie, if any of you out there have watched it and liked it; but it is one of those kinds of movies that TOR would likely watch and claim that he did so for research purposes to divert others away from knowing his true reasons for watching it. TOR is a proverbial head case in need of a shrink and a lobotomy.

In his video above, TOR argues that it is a good thing to be Chris Hansen. These days I would not know why anyone would want to be Chris Hansen. If you read Part 1 of my article titled “Hector Vera Is Not A Danger To 14-Year-Old Girls. ETHAN FAIR IS!,” you will find out that Chris Hansen is not doing very well these days and many people in the *TCAP community have even given up on him. (*Note – TCAP stands for “To Catch A Predator”).

Chris Hansen caught sexual predators; but technically he did not catch child predators, because none of his decoys posed as prepubescent children. TOR? If you watched Mr. Hansen faithfully on his television series “To Catch A Predator” on Dateline NBC, you will have remembered that Mr. Hansen did one specific episode of it in which he sat down with other members of his television crew and explained to them that pedophilia was the exclusive or primary attraction of someone 16 years old or older to a prepubescent child five or more years their junior. Then Mr. Hansen stressed that he was not there to catch pedophiles but rather to catch adults who were planning on violating the statutory-age-of-consent laws in their particular state jurisdiction.

TOR actually believes that merely pervert-shaming Mr. Vera in the video above is going to build his so-called “case” against him, when, in fact, it only shows that he is on a witch hunt. TOR will not leave the “foot fetish” argument alone.

TOR? You are not a god, and you will never convince the Federal court system to redefine FEET as sexual objects in view of the sexual-exploitation statutes that are currently on the Federal law books. Those statutes are very specific about what is and is not to be defined as a sexual object, and feet do not fall within the realms of sexual victimization under those statutes. You are merely speculating in your contention that Mr. Vera had somehow crossed the line of the letter of the law.

TOR? The excerpts that you flashed on your computer screen at light speed contained nothing in them to demonstrate that Mr. Vera broke any laws. You showed an excerpt of an article that only informed its readers that Puerto Rico has what appears to be a Romeo-and-Juliet provision that allows for up to a 14-year age difference between a minor and an adult before a crime can be committed. The other excerpt regarding “child pornography” contains nothing about feet. You’re poking at the dark, and you’re not offering any condemning evidence against Mr. Vera of a crime.

Peter Stanwyck’s article is somewhat vague, and it does not support TOR’s contention that Mr. Vera actually committed a crime. The most that TOR could accomplish would be a dispute in the Supreme Court of the United States over where to draw the line on pornographic contraband, and I honestly don’t believe that the Supreme Court justices would waste their time on this witch hunt that TOR has brought against Mr. Vera. Moreover, Mr. Vera will likely never stand trial or even be arrested, because TOR has no prima facie case against him. His arguments in support of his accusations are not cogent.

TOR? Just because you have a one-track mind that perceives Mr. Vera’s “foot fetish” as something sexually deviant and you believe that what “Emma” was doing or allegedly being asked to do was sexual in nature, it doesn’t mean that a man in a black robe would agree with you. Even if you could get a man in a black robe to agree with you, such a conviction against Mr. Vera would likely be struck down on appeal for reasons that I have explained herein and in my previous article titled “Hector Vera Is Not A Danger To 14-Year-Old Girls. ETHAN FAIR IS!”

You’re not going to win this argument, TOR. Quit while you’re ahead! Find yourself more constructive things to do than to hound Mr. Vera over something that will not materialize into anything in the court system. The last two excerpts that you flash on your computer screen are too gray from a legal standpoint to lead to an arrest. You’re only fooling yourself into believing otherwise.

“Namine” was not even a minor back when Mr. Vera first communicated with her as far as I know. Therefore, what Mr. Vera communicated with other adults really has nothing to do with your arguments, TOR.

TOR? If Mr. Vera shares a fetish with a teenage girl that is not sexual AT THAT TIME THAT IT IS BEING SHARED, then you’ve got nothing on him from a legal standpoint. Stop being ambiguous and saying that Mr. Vera “still likes kids.” Mr. T likes kids. However, he does so in a protective way. If you ever falsely accused him of a being a child molester as you have been doing with Mr. Vera, he’d come after you and you would be defecating in your pants inasmuch as he is no-nonsense man. Furthermore, there is a world of a difference between a man lusting after prepubescent children and a man having a crush on a teenage girl. Mr. Vera has not accosted any prepubescent children. Teenage girls have nothing to do with pedophilia. Your example regarding serial killers is not even a fair analogy.

TOR? If you want to believe that roleplaying with a 14-year-old girl is weird, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion. However, because Mr. Vera kept the roleplay from going Rated R, he broke no laws. The roleplay was only sexual in your depraved one-track mind. Mr. Vera’s actions did not cross over the legal line into the forbidden territory of “sexting” with a minor. A criminal defense attorney would tear you apart in court. It has happened before, and it could happen to you.

TOR? You flashed something on your computer screen that doesn’t even stay whenever I pause the video. Nobody is going to read it, and I will not waste my time, attempting to read it. Stop hiding your face behind your cartoon drawing of a whale, because you know that you are wrong.

TOR? If you could even fool the world into believing that Mr. Vera liked 13-year-old girls, you still will not have proven that he has committed any kind of crime. According to the DSM-5, an adult man who likes 13-year-old girls is usually not a pedophile. Most girls that age are no longer in Tanner Stage 1, and most girls that age are adolescents rather than prepubescent children. What may be taboo in our culture is not necessary detrimental to anyone.

3.  TOR Inaccurately Believes That All Adult/Adolescent Relationships And Romances Are A Form Of Pedophilia

Actor Don Johnson fell in love with a 13-year-old girl (Melanie Griffith) when he was 22 years old, and he even moved in with her shortly thereafter. However, he was not a pedophile or a child molester. When he first fell in love with Melanie Griffith, he never intended to seduce her, molest her, groom her or harm her in any way. He only wanted a future with her. If anything, his thoughts about her probably resembled the lyrics of the song in the YouTube video below.

The Song Titled “Think About You” By Luther Vandross

As the song above indicates, the heart does what it wants to do rather than what society expects for it to do. Mr. Johnson was married to Melanie Griffith for a substantial period of time. The only reason that he is no longer with her is because of this thing called Antonio Banderas. You cannot blame Mr. Johnson for the fact that Mr. Banderas has a charming effect on women.

Oliver Vanetta “Doolittle” Lynn, Jr. was 21 years old when he married a 13-year-old girl named Loretta Lynn, who would later become a country-music legend. He remained faithful to her up until his death in 1996; and he will remain in love with her, even when she is 99 years old if there is such a thing as an afterlife and he is watching her from wherever it is.

Every man cannot be a clone of Tony Danza and marry his high-school sweetheart as you apparently believe so, TOR. You are no different from the late Senator Joseph McCarthy, except that pedophilia is your dangerously compulsive obsession; whereas communism was the late Senator McCarthy’s dangerously compulsive obsession. Conventional wisdom holds that real pedophiles and child molesters do not build futures with their victims, because they only set out to use them up and throw them away like used socks after they have gotten beyond a certain age.

I recall this one 22-year-old YouTuber in Malaysia from about six years ago who publicized on his channel that he had a 15-year-old girlfriend, which is not stigmatized in that nation or most anywhere in the Far East and the Dutch East Indies. Most unfortunately, British and American YouTubers bullied him and made fun of him because of the seven-year age difference between him and his girlfriend along with the fact that she was younger than 18 years old. He knew how to handle them, but they should have respected him and left him alone if they couldn’t post anything nice to him on his YouTube channel.

Anyhow, if TOR got out of his comfort zone at least once in a while, he might find out that there exists a world outside of it. Even if he were to watch the movie titled The Diary of a Teenage Girl, he might come to realize that 13, 14, and 15 years old is not as young as he obviously pictures in his mind in accordance to his preconceived notions about girls that age.

TOR? You dwell on Mr. Vera’s Platonic association with “SSJGoshin4” from back when he was 19 years old and she was 13 years old in 2006. Even if you could prove that he had a non-Platonic interest in her back then, you would still be proving nothing about him. According to the DSM-5, a man in his late teens cannot be diagnosed as a pedophile for being sexually attracted to a 12- or 13-year-old girl. Therefore, any accusation that you make against him in that respect is defamation of character at best.

TOR? I’ll tell you what. Why don’t you make a YouTube video accusing Corey Feldman of “liking kids” and focus the video on his sizzling romance with a 14-year-old girl (Drew Barrymore) back when he was 18 years old?

While you’re at it, TOR, why don’t you go accusing Corey Feldman of being a pedophile? Why won’t you do it? You won’t do it, because self-appointed pedo-experts like you idolize Corey Feldman, simply because he is supposedly on a mission to clean up Hollywood of all its dirty old men. However, at the end of the day, he is not morally superior to Mr. Vera and neither are you.

If Mr. Vera wants to call a 13-year-old girl cute, it’s his business if he does so. Nobody ever chastised Corey Feldman for calling Drew Barrymore “cute” back when she was in her early teens despite that he was above the legal age of majority, and I wouldn’t doubt that he did much more to her than make compliments about her looks back when she was barely in her teenage years. I know that I present myself as someone who doesn’t like Corey Feldman. I will admit that he was never my favorite actor. He is someone long overdue for an attitude adjustment like you, TOR.

TOR? Mr. Vera already explained the incident involving the 13-year-old girl who sneaked onto his foot server in his YouTube video about you. You do not need to beat it to death.

TOR? As for your opinion about flirting with a 13-year-old girl, Don Johnson and Oliver Vanetta “Doolittle” Lynn, Jr. were not weird and pathetic, and I’m sure that they flirted with their respective wives when they were 13 years old despite that they were significantly older than them. YOU ARE WEIRD AND PATHETIC, because you believe that nothing else decent and normal exists outside your Puritanical bubble.

If a man likes a minor who is not a prepubescent child, it doesn’t mean that he is a pedophile. A minor can also be as old as 20 years old, if you live in a nation where the legal age of majority is 21 years old. A 20-year-old is not really a child. Therefore, TOR, you have proven nothing about Mr. Vera.

TOR? Your video clip of “SSJGoshin4” only shows that she had a falling-out with Mr. Vera and that she obviously wants no part of your smut. Otherwise, you haven’t proven anything criminal about Mr. Vera.

4.  TOR Accuses Hector Vera Of Depravities That He Himself Committed Instead

No, TOR! Hector Vera did not literally encourage any 14-year-old girl to masturbate. You encouraged yourself to masturbate in your guise as “Emma.” Mr. Vera’s accusation against “Emma” of being a naughty girl is merely an opinion that he expressed and is protected speech under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

TOR’s example of a man making homosexual remarks at a friend of his proves nothing about Mr. Vera. A criminal defense attorney would be screaming “OBJECTION!” to the court if TOR were to use that example in a criminal trial, and the judge would likely sustain the objection.

TOR? When Mr. Vera stated to “Emma” in the chat thread, “You’re a naughty girl xD He rubs her head gently.,” it appears that he was trying his best to be sociable with “Emma” without offending anyone and that he merely wanted to go back to the roleplay on a Rated G level instead of reading any more risqué comments from “Emma,” which, of course, was you. In a court of law, his statement could be interpreted so many ways that you would not be able to prove him guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. You know that I am right, and that is the reason why you are afraid to talk about me on your YouTube channel.

5.  TOR Believes Himself To Have The Last Word On Morality Insofar As It Is A Dangerous Obsession With Him

TOR? You have nothing on Hector Vera upon making your point about “JUSTIFYING AND NORMALIZING.” The statutory age of consent in Puerto Rico is 16 years old. Therefore, Mr. Vera is not confessing to any crime by stating that one can be attracted to 16- and 17-year-old girls. Adult men have been falling in love with girls that young since the beginning of time. No cultural taboo is going to change the effects of biology on humanity.

TOR? You have an elitist perspective of what normalcy should be. If someone isn’t a prom king in your eyes, then you believe him to be a sexual deviant. Therefore, I cannot take much stock in any of your arguments about justifying and normalizing.

TOR? Read the DSM-5, for crying out loud. An attraction to teenage girls even as young as 13 years old is not pedophilia. You say that it is unnatural, but the American Psychiatric Association concludes that it is normative. Your opinion cannot trump or supersede the conclusions of experts in the American Psychiatric Association regarding this issue. At best you are slandering Mr. Vera, but you are proving nothing about him. Moreover, he even denies that he is sexually attracted to girls below 18 years old.

TOR? The fact that you perceive teenage girls to be “little girls” demonstrates that you’re the one who needs professional help. Certainly, an intelligent person can distinguish a teenager from a toddler. I seriously doubt that the men whom Alisha Dean talked into going to bed with her thought that she was a little girl after she fooled them into believing that she was a 19-year-old divorcee, and she was 13 years old back in 2008 when she was committing her shenanigans.

TOR? The most you will achieve from this witch hunt against Mr. Vera is a defamation suit and a decision from Google to terminate your YouTube channel permanently. The authorities are not interested in anything that you have to tell them, because they would have arrested Mr. Vera by now if they were so.

It is good that Fred Rogers of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood is no longer alive, because if he were still alive, TOR would be falsely accusing him of sexually molesting kids on his television show. Then the next thing you know, TOR would be posting a YouTube video with a photoshopped thumbnail of Fred Rogers making a psychopathic facial expression at the camera and saying, “Won’t you be my neighbor?” with a big grin as though he were getting ready to snatch a toddler off of a playground. TOR would even take matters too far and insist that Fred Rogers was a serial child killer too, and he would additionally make a false accusation against him of hiding a blood-covered ax in his basement.

TOR is a ticking time bomb. He makes me think of all the self-appointed pedo-experts who closed in on Patrice Wilson for making a YouTube video with Alison Gold about Chinese food so many years ago. The video was harmless, but these self-righteous do-gooders with their little minds simply had to turn it into something sordid. Eventually, a parody was made about the video, implying that Mr. Wilson was a serial killer.

YouTuber Hahoe Studios Did A Parody About The Music Video For “Chinese Food”

TOR? Even if Mr. Vera were to say in public that he liked high-school girls and even middle-school girls and if anyone batted an eye, it only goes to show you that our society has gotten to be way too Puritanical and way too oblivious to the fact that childhood ends much sooner than the American court of public opinion cares to admit. In most Southern European nations, nobody would even make an issue out of it. However, we live in a nation with too many self-absorbed busybodies who don’t care about the truth thanks to social-media influencers like you.

At the end of the day, we all need to be going after Ethan Fair, because he is the one who is a danger to girls in the adolescent-age range (12 to 17 years old) of which TOR speaks. Mr. Vera would never get a 13- or 14-year-old girl pregnant and then do to her what Ethan Fair did to Danielle Cohn. I guess that because Ethan was lucky enough to be on the same side of the legal age line as Danielle when he unleashed his depravities and aggressions upon her, somehow idiots like TOR believe that he is incapable of doing any wrong and that his behavior merely constitutes normal adolescent behavior. The ongoing quest for normalcy has become like a cancer in our society that does more harm than good.

6.  TOR Is So Reckless In His Actions That He Is Not Suitable To Be An Online “Predator” Catcher Or The Likes

TOR twists Hector Vera’s words around again and again. A confidential source has already told me about the incident involving TOR in which he pulled another shenanigan of his on Mr. Vera. This confidential source informed me that TOR was fraudulently impersonating this one well-known YouTuber that does ASMR videos, which is similar to the Hindu practice of meditation, and that he was going under the guise of “Just Jodie.” In the process, TOR committed numerous community guidelines violations on a platform in that he stole other people’s content and even committed copyright infringements.

TOR needs to stop lecturing other people about breaking the rules when he clearly has no respect for any rules at all. In my review of the chat logs that TOR presented in his video above, there was nothing in them in which Mr. Vera went beyond the legal realms of constitutionally-protected speech and right of assembly.

There was one red flag that Mr. Vera should have picked up on in chatting with “Just Jodie,” who was really TOR. Once “Just Jodie” said, “In my opinion age is just a number!,” he should have blocked her immediately, because these self-appointed pedo-experts take a predilection of repeating that overused meme, for a lack of a better description. That is, she was really a he in the form of TOR.

TOR? You did not catch Mr. Vera twice, because you did not even catch him the first time round when you did your impersonation of “Emma” online. He never broke any laws except in your deluded, one-track mind.

If Mr. Vera asked “Just Jodie” to do an ASMR video with her feet, he still did not cross the forbidden line set by the letter of the law. He even said “LOL” in that same statement, which indicates to me that he was probably kidding around with “Just Jodie” and nothing more.

In his video, TOR attempts to mislead his audience into believing that Mr. Vera brings his foot fetish to a sexual level with minors. No, no, no! That excerpt that TOR flashes on his computer screen is not of a chat that Mr. Vera had with any minor. It is from something completely unrelated to this matter, because you’ll notice that the date on it reads April 27, 2020, which was before TOR ever came into contact with Mr. Vera on the Internet.

I know that I sound like a criminal defense attorney in this article here of mine, but everything that TOR states in his video about Mr. Vera’s alleged criminal conduct is pure conjecture and none of it would hold up in a court of law.

The other excerpt that TOR shows in his video of Mr. Vera telling “Namine” about how he likes feet more than breasts is from before TOR ever contacted Mr. Vera. Therefore, I would consider it to be irrelevant; and even if TOR could establish some kind of relevance of it to his allegations against Mr. Vera, it would be no different from Mr. Vera stating that he likes feet better than he likes brains. There is nothing really sexual to it.

TOR is completely wrong in suggesting that Mr. Vera could have been seeking a one-night stand with a teenage girl he had met on the Internet. Mr. Vera doesn’t appear to be someone who even kisses on the first date.

Yeah, TOR. I get it that you don’t spread love to “underage girls.” However, quite honestly, I don’t think that you have ever been in love with anyone of any age at all in your entire life. It could explain why you think that every time someone thinks or acts outside the box, there is some kind of depravity or sexual atrocity attached to it.

TOR? You are addicted to believing that the whole world is being taken over by pedophiles, while you don’t even have a clear understanding of what pedophilia really is. You have pedophiles for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and the irony of it is that you can’t really go up against something like that without being able to identify it properly.

TOR? You believe that Mr. Vera has foot fantasies with “Emma,” “Just Jodie,” and other “kids.”? “Emma” and “Just Jodie” are not even real teenage girls. They are you. Furthermore, you have no condemning evidence of Mr. Vera engaging in foot fantasies with other “kids.” Your accusations are baseless.

Okay, TOR? I completely get it. The law doesn’t require for actual minors to be sexually victimized for someone to violate the kinds of Federal laws that you cite in your video. However, you didn’t really prove that Mr. Vera’s online conduct rose to the level of criminality. You’re only arguing that it did. Your propensity to refer to teenage girls as “little girls” could also compromise a criminal case in the future.

I vaguely remember reading something somewhere about the judge who presided over the sex-related murder trial of Richard Allen Davis threatening to throw out the entire criminal case if anyone described Mr. Davis as being a pedophile during the trial proceedings, because his victim, Polly Klaas, was considered to be an adolescent rather than a prepubescent child at the time that she was sexually assaulted and murdered. TOR’s ill practice of misusing and misidentifying pedophilia could have that same effect if one of his cases were ever to go to court.

TOR? The Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) will not be giving you a phone call or paying you a visit in response to your false accusations against Mr. Vera. The people that work for the FBI are only concerned about their retirement, and they won’t waste their time on petty nonsense like this.

Teenage girls do not need to be warned about Mr. Vera, because he is no threat or danger to them. However, teenage girls do need to be warned about TOR, because he strikes me as someone who may be an age-fluid transvestite who simply likes pretending to be a 13- or 14-year-old girl on the Internet. I wouldn’t be surprised if I were one day to read something on the Internet or hear something in the news about TOR dressing up like a 13-year-old girl and subsequently getting arrested for crashing a slumber party full of middle-school girls. Those girls would probably be throwing pillows at him and screaming at him to leave their slumber party while he stands there and grins at them. Patrice Wilson would even have a good laugh at him.

TOR is such a head case that he even brings to mind the character “Norman Bates” that actor Anthony Perkins played in the movie titled Psycho wherein he dressed up like his dead mother so that he could murder people. I mean no disrespect to anyone in the LGBTQ community.

7.  TOR Does Not Know The Law Or People As Well As He Believes

TOR? Child pornography is something very specific as worded in the caption of its definition that you show on your computer screen. Hector Vera may have asked “Emma” to let him see her feet, but he did not ask “Emma” to use them on herself as dildos or anything of the sort. In that sense, he didn’t sext her either. If he brought his foot fetish to a sexual level with Sydney, it doesn’t mean that he necessarily brought it to a sexual level with “Emma.” He didn’t take his roleplay with “Emma” to a sexual level. He stayed well within his constitutionally-protected speech rights. The verdict, therefore, is INNOCENT!

TOR’s school of thought reminds me of this one movie titled Body of Evidence that I saw so many years ago in which a woman played by Madonna was on trial for murder, because she had caused an old man to die from a heart attack by getting him too sexually excited in bed. The links that comprise TOR’s allegations against Mr. Vera are very weak, and they do not hold together as an airtight criminal case against Mr. Vera despite what TOR may believe. Cuddling is not even a crime.

In his video above, TOR flashed on his computer screen:

He also sexually exploited a minor too, and no, a minor cant suduce a man, thats why statutory rape is a thing

Pardon the misspelling. I had to quote TOR directly, and he obviously flunked English back in high school when you consider how difficult his prose is to read. It could explain why he is clueless about most of what he says in his video.

TOR? You actually disbelieve that a teenage female minor can seduce a man? Wow! You must have had a really sheltered upbringing. Chew on this one article from England about a 13-year-old girl who seduced a 41-year-old man! Alisha Dean would have a field day with you, if she were still 13 years old today. It is good that people are beginning to take an awareness of the bigger picture so that fraudsters like you will have a more difficult time brainwashing others with your pedophile-panic propaganda.

TOR? Don’t be using the N word in the messages that you flash on your computer screen. Perhaps you are not proud to be an African American, but there are other African Americans who do not appreciate you disparaging their race. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would be pounding you into the ground with his fists if he were still alive today.

TOR? Where are you going with that picture of the little girl from the playground that you cited in your video above? She is fully clothed. You have no right to misuse it to pervert Mr. Vera into something that he is not. You are nitpicking for condemning evidence that is not even there.

No, TOR. When Mr. Vera talks about what his perception is of a child predator, he is not describing himself. He is actually agreeing with your school of thought to show you that he is not someone in whom you should have any interest. However, you don’t seem to read into people’s words very accurately. Mark my word. You’re not going to survive as an online “predator” catcher or the likes. You don’t even have a sting house, and you never seem to leave your residence whenever you carry out your pursuits.

TOR? You were not allowed to circumvent the wiretapping laws that Mr. Vera described in his video, because you only had a delusion in your mind that he was sexually exploiting a minor. You didn’t actually have probable cause to draw such a conclusion. You’ve just walked into trouble with the law, and you don’t even seem to realize it. That’s not good, and I seriously doubt that Mr. Vera is going to let you get away with it at this point in time. He tried to work this situation out with you, and you blew that opportunity sky high.

TOR? You don’t think that you defamed Mr. Vera? Somehow I don’t think that a judge would agree with you. We’ll all find out, and the outcome will not be what you want. None of your excuses are going to save you from what awaits you. Mr. Vera’s process server is going to find you, and he will serve you a court summons before you even know what hit you.

TOR? You are dangerous. You are the exact reason that the sex laws are failing in our nation, because you want to apply them in a way that is oppressive and unjust to individuals who apparently do not fit your elitist mold of normalcy and age-appropriate perfection. The self-appointed clerics in sixteenth and seventeenth century New England were more humane with the women they accused of witchcraft than you are with anyone who falls outside your perfect little circle of goody two-shoes.

TOR? You don’t get to take writer’s license with the statutes on the law books, and you don’t get to take writer’s license with the definition of pedophilia in the DSM-5. You are not a god. You are a Charlie nobody who needs to go away and leave Mr. Vera alone. You cannot establish guilt on Mr. Vera’s part simply by taking fragments of statements he has made and fitting them together in a biased way that you perceive would conveniently make him look guilty. The law simply doesn’t work that way. When a person is found guilty in a court of law, it has to be beyond a shadow of a doubt rather than based on some self-righteous do-gooder’s speculations.

TOR actually believes that adolescents are completely asexual. He has a sugarcoated perspective of what adolescence is all about, and he is out of touch with reality. He wants to interview the 13-year-old girl who was involved in the foot server incident with Mr. Vera, even though Mr. Vera shows that he took full charge of the situation and sorted it out responsibly. TOR is looking to dig up dirt on Mr. Vera where there is no dirt to dig up.

Mr. Vera did nothing wrong twice, because he broke no laws. TOR only wants to believe that he did, so that he can come off as some kind of hero.

TOR? How would you know if minors are in Mr. Vera’s direct messages? Even if they are in there, it doesn’t mean that he is saying anything lewd or lascivious to them or doing anything illegal with them. Moreover, they probably don’t talk raunchy the way you do whenever you impersonate a teenage girl.

TOR? You should quit bragging about your online communications with Mr. Vera in your guise as “Just Jodie” while you’re ahead. You violated community guidelines on a platform to create that same guise.

TOR? Mr. Vera will not be going to jail for a thought crime. You can flash all the stuff you want across your computer screen, accusing him of every crime in the law book; but so long as you have no proof of any crime, he will only be going to jail or prison in your deluded mind. There is a room in an asylum for the criminally insane with your name on it.

TOR? I agree with you that you don’t have to lure kids to be a pedophile and you don’t have to force yourself upon kids to be a pedophile. You are right that you don’t even have to have sexual intercourse with a kid to be a pedophile. You will never get an argument out of me on those points.

Nevertheless, according to the DSM-5, to be a pedophile, you do have to be at least 16 years of age and be sexually attracted to a prepubescent child who is at least five years your junior. The cut-off point for it is 13 years old, but it can be 11 years old under certain circumstances. In Mr. Vera’s particular case, he is not sexually attracted to prepubescent children in Tanner Stage 1. Therefore, he could never be a pedophile even by the farthest reaches of the imagination.

TOR? I care about the safety of children. However, I don’t think that you are doing children any justice by taking writer’s license with the definition of pedophilia and by setting out to destroy an innocent’s man life and future. You have no proof that Mr. Vera actually masturbated to any minor’s feet. You’re just concocting that idea in your head, and it makes you a danger to others.

TOR? Why would Mr. Vera have had to ask permission from the parents of “Emma” and “Just Jodie”? They’re not even real. They’re you.

TOR? Mr. Vera doesn’t want any legal action going on, because, unlike you, he actually has a real life. He’s not afraid of going to jail, because it won’t happen. In fact, once he gets a lawyer, the chances of him going to jail or prison are going to be zero to none. You are so pathetically into wishful thinking that you cannot even think straight.

TOR? You falsely accuse Mr. Vera of being the most dangerous pedophile that you have ever caught in your life. Well, you are the most dangerous self-appointed pedo-expert I have ever known in my life. You have no medical credentials whatsoever to diagnose Mr. Vera as being a pedophile, and such a diagnosis would require a formal therapy setting. You have never even met the man in person and you don’t truly know him off the Internet. Therefore, you are engaging in practicing medicine without a license, because you are not qualified to diagnose anyone with pedophilia and yet you do so. In that respect, you are promoting fake pedophilia.

TOR? Every time that Mr. Vera says “for the most part” or “probably,” it does not constitute an admittance or a confession to any wrongdoing. You will not be getting a conviction against him based upon these suppositions, because in order to be convicted of a crime in a court of law, someone has to be found guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. Mr. Vera could never even be compared with Sergio Andrade.

TOR? You say that Mr. Vera doesn’t deserve to be called a man. Well, you don’t deserve to be called a human being. Your behavior is reprehensible and deserving of retribution. You may find everything that you are doing is funny, but not before long the joke is going to be on you and you will wish that you had left Mr. Vera alone.

TOR? I completely get it. You believe that a 13-year-old girl is too young to be sexually active, and nobody is going to criticize or condemn you for feeling that way so long as you have good intentions in that respect. However, Mr. Vera is not the one out there getting 13-year-old girls pregnant. ETHAN FAIR IS! You live in California where Ethan Fair is, and there are legal avenues in the law books that you can take to put a stop to Ethan Fair once and for all regardless of the fact that he is under 18 years of age. All you have to do is review Appendix C on page 47 (digital page 52) of the online publication titled “The California Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Law – Issues and Answers for Mandated Reporters,” which provides a chart summarizing sexual abuse reporting requirements based on the age difference between a minor and their partner.

Ethan Fair already put Danielle Cohn through an unwanted pregnancy and a torturous abortion, and he treated her like garbage. No 13-year-old girl should ever have to suffer such a tragedy at the hands of a sexually deviant and abusive boyfriend like Ethan. TOR? If you had a 13-year-old sister or a niece that age, I would think that you would want to keep someone like Ethan Fair away from her.

8.  The Comments Section To TOR’s Video Was Replete With Both Pros And Cons

In the comments section to TOR’s video above, one of my colleagues from the Hive blockchain, naglfar94, provided TOR with links to my article titled “Hector Vera Is Not A Danger To 14-Year-Old Girls. ETHAN FAIR IS!” In his response to naglfar94, TOR said nothing about the article. Hmmm. Could TOR actually be afraid of challenging the contents of this same article of mine? Well, I am not afraid of TOR, and he can fire away at me all he wants. I will be ready for him. Mr. Vera should not feel afraid of him either, because Mr. Vera occupies the higher ground than him in this matter.

Therein YouTuber CGN ShinJay stated:

This dude would goto the college to scope out girls when he didn't attend so called college.

So what? It’s Mr. Vera’s business. There’s nothing illegal about him meeting female college students and asking them out on dates. I hope that YouTuber CGN ShinJay is not going Tori Assise on us, because college girls are well above the legal age to do anything. The drinking age is even 18 years old in Puerto Rico. Mr. Vera has a right to a social life just like anyone else.

9.  My Conclusion To This Topic

Although Hector Vera may have made an improvident decision that caused him to fall back into TOR’s trap a second time, it does not mean that he is guilty of any crime. His actions still fall within the legal realms of constitutionally-protected speech and right of assembly. Mr. Vera had previously tried to sort the situation out with TOR, but dealing with TOR is no different from dealing with a shady insurance company. TOR is only looking to railroad Mr. Vera without any regards to the actual facts. TOR is also promoting fake pedophilia.

If TOR really wanted to bring about some substantial justice, he would make efforts to deplatform Ethan Fair and prevent him from harming another underage girl as he did to Danielle Cohn. However, his narrow mind disallows him to interpret sexual misconduct by adolescent boys as anything other than child’s play. In TOR’s make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection, every girl younger than 18 years old is a toddler and every man over the age of eighteen is a potential child predator.

My current recommendation to Mr. Vera is that he stays off social media until after he consults with an attorney and that attorney advises him on how to steer clear of TOR and the likes. Unfortunately, we live in a nation that has Draconian sex laws as opposed to other nations. Mr. Vera needs to ask an attorney about what legal actions he can bring against TOR so that he can make himself whole and rid TOR from his life once and for all.

If TOR had any decency, he would remove all of the videos pertaining to his witch hunt against Mr. Vera from his YouTube channel. He is no different from the people who attempted to railroad actor Tom Hanks in the same manner that he is attempting to railroad Mr. Vera. He should be arrested for filing false police reports.

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