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President Trump Should Veto Immigration Bill Regarding Underage Marriage [Part 2]

[Please Read Part 1 Of This Article Before Reading The Segment Below]

2.  Senator Ron Johnson And Former Senator Claire McCaskill Are Not Looking Out For Our Nation’s Best Interest In Their Proposal To Reform Our Immigration Laws Pertaining To Underage Marriage

Ron Johnson is a Republican senator from Wisconsin. He looks like another one of those manginas who cater to every demand of femi-Nazi extremists.  He is married and he is a father. Therefore, he has lived his life, and it is apparent that he couldn’t care less about how his getting an immigration bill passed to prohibit anyone from petitioning a foreign spousal visa for anyone younger than eighteen years of age is going to affect others in an adverse manner. I can only hope that other Republicans in the United States Senate will not think the same way he does and will vote this upcoming immigration bill down. He is also a hypocrite in claiming to want to protect children in getting such a bill passed, because he opposed a bill back in 2010 that would have eliminated the statute of limitations in his state for future child sexual abuse victims to sue their victimizers and that would have provided past child sexual abuse survivors an additional three years to do so.  Therefore, he has no moral high ground to be pushing this proposed piece of legislation of his regarding foreign underage marriage down the American people’s throats as he is currently seeking to do.

I used to have a high opinion of former Senator Claire McCaskill. I was highly impressed with her so many years ago when I first saw her on television in a debate with her opponent shortly before an election, especially when she mentioned that she didn’t agree with President Barack Obama on everything despite that she was a Democrat. However, my opinion of her has plummeted in recent years, and this recent crusade of hers to outlaw underage foreign spouses from being brought into our country similar to that of Canada has caused me to lose faith in her altogether. It’s probably a blessing that President Trump doesn’t have a very high opinion of her either and that she is long gone from Washington, D.C. She is what you call a Hillary hypocrite. She supported Hillary Clinton in her efforts to get elected president back in 2016 despite that Hillary Clinton was the criminal defense attorney for a middle-aged rapist of a 12-year-old girl back in 1975 and laughed about it years later. She stood beside Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential elections despite that Hillary Clinton had a strong friendship with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell insofar as Hillary Clinton was happy that Ms. Maxwell accepted Chelsea Clinton’s wedding invitation. Nonetheless, former Senator McCaskill has expressed her skepticisms that a teenage juvenile foreign bride could ever be happy with an American man if he was significantly older than her. Shame on you, former Senator McCaskill, for your blatant display of hypocrisy. You have no moral high ground to push legislation that would prohibit adults from getting teenage juvenile foreign spouses a visa to enter our country and live here, former Senator McCaskill, and I am glad that you lost the last election in your state of Missouri. Many of us can breathe a sigh of relief now that you are no longer involved in the lawmaking process on Capitol Hill, former Senator McCaskill. However, our fight against people like you is far from over, former Senator McCaskill.

Public Law Number 82-414, which is known as the Immigration and Nationality Act (“I.N.A.”), does not currently have minimum age requirements for petitions for immigration benefits for spouses or fiancés.  Senator Johnson and former Senator McCaskill went so far as to write a 40-page Senate report on this law and their desires to change it and, lo behold, Colleen Long published an article about this same matter on the same date that this same Senate report was released, which was January 11, 2019. How consistently timed! Ms. Long’s article was titled “Requests to bring in child brides OK’d; legal under US laws.”

Now, one thing that this Senate report stated was that the United States Department of State argued that “forced marriage [is] a human rights abuse and, in the case of minors, a form of child abuse.” HOWEVER, the United States Department of State is not condemning Loretta-Lynn-style marriage in our nation in which two willing individuals who may happen to be on the opposite sides of the legal age line enter into one on their own volition with the full blessings of the minor’s parents and even the court system. Well, wouldn’t you figure that Fraidy Reiss got her name mentioned in this same Senate report. I suppose that the Clintons introduced Ms. Reiss to former Senator McCaskill. Also, of course, therein Ms. Reiss is found scraping the bottom of the barrel for whatever gloomy and tragic details she can find about adult men bringing foreign teenage brides into our nation and abusing them horribly, when reality has it that these couples likely do not represent the majority of such marriages. Now yet another name of another subversive do-gooder organization has materialized in the form of the “non-profit” Ayaan Hirsi Ali Foundation. I’d be interested in finding out how faithfully this organization adheres to the laws regarding what organizations can and cannot do to qualify for Federal tax-exempt status under that non-profit tax shelter. Now, I do not condone anyone of any age being forced into a marriage, but I will demonstrate herein that many of these teenage brides from foreign nations are not marrying older men outside their age circle under duress despite what former Senator McCaskill and Senator Johnson have been misleading the public to believe.   The above-described Senate report did appear to indicate that changing the immigration laws in the manner that former Senator McCaskill and Senator Johnson have wanted to do so will cost the American taxpayers an exorbitant amount of money to upgrade both the procedural methodology and technology in the government agencies that handle foreign spousal visas. This same Senate report ends with a faulty and misleading conclusion that reads:

The United States advocates for preventing and reducing the risks of child marriages occurring around the world, but data provided to the Committee reveal that the U.S. government approved thousands of petitions and visas for spousal or fiancé immigration benefits for marriages involving minors from FY2007 to FY2017. During this period, 4,749 minors who entered the country using spousal or fiancé visas obtained green cards. If we are truly serious about upholding stated U.S. policy to prevent child marriages and protect children from potential abuse and harm, Congress must reform the INA to prevent individuals from obtaining immigration benefits that facilitate child marriages.

No!!!!!!! Congress does not need to reform the I.N.A. to prevent individuals from obtaining immigration benefits that facilitate underage adolescent marriages; and I will not refer to them as “child marriages,” because no minor under 13 years of age was listed in the above-described Senate report as successfully having gotten a foreign spousal visa. Such a measure would cause our Federal taxes to skyrocket right through the roof inasmuch as the report itself even appears to indicate that it would be costly to enforce such changes that former Senator McCaskill and Senator Johnson have been proposing to the Congress. Our nation really should not be poking its nose into the affairs of other nations in the first place. However, if our elected officials really want to do something to protect children from potential abuse and harm, they need to pass laws to change our defective inheritance laws so that no abusive parent here in our nation will have the ability to blackmail their offspring by threatening to disinherit them or so that no abusive parent here in our nation will have the ability to disinherit their offspring altogether after subjecting them to years of torture and abuse. Why haven’t former Senator McCaskill and Senator Johnson done anything about the inheritance laws in our nation in that regard? The answer to that question is plain and simple. They obviously were too afraid that such efforts might offend any of their major campaign contributors who might fitted the description of Jose Menendez (Eric and Lyle Mendedez’s late father) or other wealthy individuals who have held their money and power over the offspring that they have abused. It’s such a laughable irony that former Senator McCaskill was voted out of office shortly before the above-described 40-page Senate report was released.

The above-aforementioned article titled “Requests to bring in child brides OK’d; legal under US laws” was poorly written in that it stated:

There are no nationwide statistics on child marriage, but data from a few states suggests it is far from rare. State laws generally set 18 as the minimum age for marriage, yet every state allows exceptions. Most states let 16- and 17-year-olds marry if they have parental consent, and several states — including New York, Virginia and Maryland — allow children under 16 to marry with court permission.

You are absolutely wrong, Ms. Long! “Child marriage,” as you refer to it, is rare in our nation according to a report from the Pew Research Center that was published on November 1, 2016. In fact, that same report is titled “Child marriage is rare in the U.S., though this varies by state.”  Do you not care about the facts, Ms. Long, or are you merely trying to make a name for yourself as a journalist by basing your article on whatever lie you can pull out of your backside to further an agenda that is going to harm a great number of people here in our nation? You certainly don’t seem to care about the truth, Ms. Long, and you are every definition of what President Trump means by the term “FAKE NEWS.”

Duhhh, Ms. Long! You published your article on January 11, 2019, and yet you don’t even know that minors younger than 16 years of age were no longer able to get legally married in New York or Virginia under any circumstances as of two to three years ago. Also, New Jersey and Delaware no longer allow minors to wed in their state jurisdictions despite that you believe that “every state allows for exceptions.” Such an article contains a sob story from a Pakistani immigrant named Naila Amin whose situation does not necessarily represent the majority of adolescent brides who enter into the United States of America. Therein Senator Johnson goes throwing that same famous word around that Fraidy Reiss has so fallen in love with, which is “LOOPHOLE.” Senator Johnson talks about closing that “LOOPHOLE,” as he calls it. Then there is a video attached to the article in which Ms. Reiss insists that the minimum age for this process should be eighteen for both the petitioner and the beneficiary. If she gets her way, it is going to cause many more consequences and repercussions for our nation than good things. We Americans all need to prepare ourselves to fight this fundamentalist crusade that Senator Johnson and former Senator McCaskill have launched; and we need to beg our president to veto any bill that comes his way that seeks to establish a minimum age of eighteen for a foreign bride for which an American wishes to petition a spousal visa.

3.  If A Minimum Age Of Eighteen For Beneficiaries Of Foreign Spousal Visas Is Enacted Against Americans Petitioning Them, Our Nation Will Suffer Numerous Consequences And Repercussions That Will Far Outweigh Any Advantages To Such A Law.

Americans currently have to pay an administrative fee of $2,350 to expatriate from our nation. That is, if an American wishes to leave the United States of America for good and renounce his or her United States citizenship, the United States Department of State raised the administrative fee from $450 to $2,350 for an American to do so as of 2010. There is also an expatriation tax on top of it for undergoing this same process.  Now, perhaps because enacting a minimum age of eighteen for the beneficiary of a foreign spousal visa here in our nation will encourage more adult men who want a teenage juvenile wife, to expatriate from our nation, such a wave of expatriates will likely rake in a whole stash of tax revenue money for our nation as a result of their having to pay the above-described administrative fee and the expatriation tax. However, not all of these men are necessarily going to leave our nation for good and renounce their citizenship. Some of them are going to find ways to sneak their underage wives here into the United States of America and keep them out of sight from the immigration authorities for as long as they can.

Back in the 1990s, the immigration authorities in our nation had one of the most disgraceful reputations of any public officials throughout the world. At the time, I was living in Southern California. Back then I was always hearing news stories on the radio and also seeing them on television about immigration officers who were later discovered to be convicted rapists or murderers. Back in those days, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (“I.N.S”) was the name of the government agency for which these immigration authorities worked. In later years, our elected officials began to realize that there was a serious morality problem with the immigration authorities in our nation, and the public at large was developing a sense of hostility and resentment toward them.

In 2003, the I.N.S. was split up into three different agencies, which were the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (“U.S.C.I.S.”), Immigration and Citizenship Enforcement (“I.C.E.”) and Customs and Border Protection (“C.B.P.”). These three agencies were absorbed into the United States Department of Homeland Security that same year. From that point on, our presidents and our Federal government attempted every way they could to build back up the reputation of the immigration authorities in this nation and help them win back the faith of the public at large. Americans have become more respecting of immigration authorities in recent years and have begun to realize how important they are in protecting our land from outside threats. However, building back up the reputation of our immigration authorities and winning back the public’s respect for them have not always been a downhill battle for our presidents and our Federal government since 2003.

Many illegal aliens have entered into our nation and have given birth to children whom they know will automatically become United States citizens under the Federal birthright citizenship laws. Once the parents of these children are detected by the immigration authorities, the problems begin to spiral out of control for everyone. The parents get deported; and the children are shuffled into foster care, which puts these kids into even greater danger than if they were to be deported back to their parents’ country of origin with their parents. However, because these children are United States citizens, our immigration authorities have no legal ability to deport them back to their parents’ countries of origin. The immigration authorities also have to be much more careful now about making mistakes in their enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws than they were in the past, because it could cost our taxpayers a whole mint in Federal tax dollars. Back in the 1980s, the immigration authorities deported a group of Puerto Ricans to the Dominican Republic after they had mistaken them for Dominican citizens and these same Puerto Ricans were unable to prove that they were United States citizens until after their family members got wind of what had happened and began proceedings to have them returned back into the United States of America. I don’t know what the outcome of that entire fiasco was, but I can only imagine that these Puerto Ricans who were mistakenly deported to the Dominican Republic filed lawsuits against the I.N.S. for putting them through this ordeal. In any event, it is clear to all of us that the immigration authorities in our nation were not well liked by anyone, including Americans, back in the 1980s and the 1990s.   

If Senator Johnson is successful in getting an immigration bill ratified that would revamp the I.N.A. so that a beneficiary would have to be at least eighteen years old whenever a United States citizen petitions for a foreign spousal visa, all chaos is going to break loose here in the land of milk and honey. American adult men are not going to stop bringing their 17-, 16-, 15-, and 14- and even 13-year-old wives into our nation. They are going to sneak them in somehow instead. There are so many inventive ways for someone to sneak an illegal alien into our nation that it isn’t even funny. I am not going to go into all the different ways to do so, because that will be another Steemit article for another time. However, let me explain to you what is going to happen afterwards.   

We’re going to have a great number of American-born kids with mothers who will be illegal aliens. That is, say that a 32-year-old American man somehow gets his 15-year-old Russian wife into the United States of America past the radar of the immigration authorities, he and this young girl are going to start a family. Perhaps ten or fifteen years later, they will have maybe two or three kids. All of their kids will automatically be United States citizens, because even if Ken Cuccinelli, who is the acting director of the U.S.C.I.S., is successful at getting a Federal law passed that ends automatic birthright citizenship as he has mentioned about doing numerous times, such a law will likely apply only to children in which both of their parents are illegal aliens. This Federal law, if enacted, probably will not apply to children born to one parent that is a United States citizen and another parent that is an illegal alien. Then the dreaded day may come that the immigration authorities detect the American man’s Russian wife who is an illegal alien. The immigration authorities will apprehend the young woman, and, of course, she and her American husband will try every way to fight the deportation proceedings against her inasmuch as they will also cause the Russian wife to be banned from ever returning to the United States of America for ten years.

The Russian wife will suffer, because she will be stripped away from her children. The children will suffer, because their mother will be taken far away from them for ten years. Now, say, if the immigration authorities decide to pursue criminal charges against the father for bringing his Russian wife illegally into our country and the father becomes incarcerated, unless the children have relatives they can stay with here in our nation, they are going to be shuffled into the foster care system where they will run the risk of being physically, emotionally and sexually abused inasmuch the foster care system throughout our nation is in a state of deterioration. Fraidy Reiss? Senator Ron Johnson? Former Senator Claire McCaskill? All three of you claim that you want to see laws get passed to protect children, but I fail to see how this scenario would be protecting any children in the long run. Everybody will lose in this final outcome. Ultimately, Americans will find out about these situations and the reputation of our immigration authorities will begin to plummet to the inferior level that it was at during the 1990s. That is, they will become the most hated public officials in our entire nation alongside Internal Revenue Service agents who abuse their power and authority in tax audits and United States Food and Drug Administration employees who take payoffs and bribes at the detriment of the American people. It will be a lose-lose situation for everyone involved, including the immigration authorities. If an American adult man marries an adolescent girl younger than 18 years of age overseas, he and that young girl are not going to be waiting for the young girl to turn eighteen before they come into our nation; and it makes no sense to have a law on our Federal books that requires them to do so.

If the reputation of our immigration authorities begins to suffer, Americans are going to lose faith in them and begin to seek inventive ways to push for domestic policies that go against them and their efforts to do their job. We simply do not want a law like the one that Senator Johnson and former Senator McCaskill have proposed that will put the people of our nation at odds with the immigration authorities in any way, shape or form, and this same law, if enacted, would have exactly that effect on our nation. Imposing a minimum age of eighteen for the beneficiaries of foreign spousal visas and even foreign fiancé visas is simply not the solution to anything, and it will be very bad policy if such a law ever sees the light of day on our Federal law books.

4. Here Is My Conclusion To This Topic

I am not mindless of the fact that there can be disastrous situations that ensue from an adult American man bringing an underage foreign spouse into our nation. However, there have to be other solutions to this concern. It makes no sense to punish everyone only because a few individuals take wrongful advantage of the system. Fraidy Reiss and her organization Unchained At Last are addressing this matter with tunnel vision, and they are needlessly putting innocent people into their line of fire. For the reasons described herein, our nation does not need a minimum age of eighteen for beneficiaries for whom United States citizens petition foreign spousal visas. What we can do to put a stop to this same agenda is write to our elected officials. However, I believe that the most effective way of standing up against the past and current efforts of Ms. Reiss, Senator Ron Johnson and former Senator Claire McCaskill to shove such a law down our throats is for us to contact President Donald J. Trump and ask that he vetoes such a bill if it ever reaches his desk. You can write to him at the following address: President Donald J. Trump, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20500. There are also other ways to communicate with him.

I once saw a television program in which President Trump told a news reporter that he had a team of employees who gathered articles they found in magazines, newspapers and on the Internet about him and they put them all on this one table in The White House for him to read. Therefore, I am optimistic that he probably will eventually read this Steemit article I’ve posted with his name in its title. I’m also optimistic that he would do the right thing and veto this immigration bill that may eventually be coming his way from the Congress, because, after all, he is married to an immigrant himself. Also, I do not believe that such an immigration bill could get the two-thirds vote that it needs from the Congress for President Trump’s veto to be overridden. We have to keep Puritanical pseudo-intellectuals like Ms. Reiss, Senator Johnson and former Senator McCaskill from damaging our nation with any kind of nonsensical immigration laws such as the one that they are pushing to get on our Federal law books. Let’s all band together, stand up to them and stop them once and for all!

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