Austrian constitutional court starts asking questions, finally!

A letter appeared, and for 2 days nobody believed it. But now it has been confirmed: The Austrian court of constitution wrote a letter to the government. It demands answers, with a deadline (Feb. 18th).
The questions are quite brilliant. Or rather quite basic, as a lot of us have been asking them for 2 years. Generally speaking they are asking for the facts behind the decisions. Here is a rough summary:

  • Who died from C19, who died only with C19 and why this strange mixup of numbers?
  • Average age of people hospitalized because of C19, and for people in the ICU because of C19, as well as people that died of C19.
  • How many (from 100.000) die after being sick of C19, plus age and gender, how many after being infected, and how many of the general population? Sounds like asking for risk assessment.
  • Which variants are there right now?
  • Which areas show what percentage of infection (work, home, leisure....) ?
  • What's the impact of masks (FFP2)?
  • All the jab questions: In general the question is how/where the jabs help, compared to non-jabbed. How long does it provide protection, what protection does it provide, can jabbed still infect others, how many jabbed are in hospitals for C19...
  • Can a tested person be infectious within 72h of the test? What's the risk of infection by a jabbed compared to a tested person, non-jabbed?
  • What's the risk of being hospitalized for an unjabbed 25y old? What's the risk for a jabbed? What difference does age make? Lockdown for unjabbed: How much does it lower the risk of infection for the population? Does this lockdown lower the risk of hospitalization? How many more hospitalizations could one expect without this lockdown?
  • How do you explain the high excess mortality while C19 mortality goes down?

I expect that the mafia does not have answers, and I am curious if this will have consequences.

This is a very rough summary; I just wanted to get this out asap, to fellow interested hivers like @drutter @themarkymark @ura-soul @der-prophet @woelfchen @kaminchan @mundharmonika @lighteye @phusionphil @shepz1 and others, please spread this.

You can download the letter in german here:

Things are moving!

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