Stellar Makes Its 5th Largest EOs So Cryptocurrency And Craig Wright; s Bitcoin SV Leads The State of The Market Hashrate



War November 13 2018 BTC: $ 6,370.46 (-0.49%) ETH: $ 208.65 (-1.32%) XRP: $ 0.5232 ( + 3.46%) The crypto market continues to trade horizontally, with Bitcoin below $ 6,400. However, Bitcoin managed to bounce back from $ 6,350 in some examples today.

Ethereum, on the other hand, failed to maintain its support at $ 210. Also, Bitcoin Cash, after falling from a high of $ 635 last week, managed to find support at $ 500 and currently trading at $ 535. In other news, Bitfinex has announced the launch of a Separate Chain Token (CSTs) for traders to trade upcoming Bitcoin Cash forks.

Both Bitcoin ABC and Bitcoin SV will be available on the exchange under CHAPTER and BSV tickers, against BTC and USD However, margins and leverage will not be available. Also, Nouriel Roubini, famous as Dr. Doom tweeted that it was only a matter of time before the FBI; cracked; Monero (XMR), a cryptocurrency that focuses on privacy.

A few days ago, he compared cryptocurrency with North Korea, and Vitalik Buterin as his dictator.

  1. Stellar Lumens (XLM) has taken over EOS to become the 5th largest cryptocurrency based on market cap. XLM posted impressive profits over the past two weeks because news about a $ 125 million reduction in water by the Blockchain was announced.

Until now, altcoin has reached 27%, and this helps XLM to hit EOS from top-5. The Blockchain planned impersonation 1 year ago, and Blockchain CEO Peter Smith said that airdrop is "a good way for crypto creators to encourage decentralization and adoption for new networks." Meanwhile, EOS has a center of controversy because many holders believe that companies operate more like cloud computing services than a decentralized blockchain.

  1. With the Bitcoin Cash fork scheduled for November 15, the majority of the network appears to be supporting the SV Bitcoin camp, led by Craig Wright. At least 63% of hashrate currently supports Bitcoin SV, while only 18% support for ABC Bitcoin. CoinGeek, SVPool, BMG Pool, okminer and mempool have announced support for Bitcoin SV. However, in the Poloniex futures market, BCHABC traded at $ 415, and BCHSV was $ 115.

  2. Marshall Islands President Hilda Heine briefly survived a no-confidence motion over the national digital currency plan. Hilda Heine is the only female head in the Pacific region, and a no-confidence motion was called after a group of senators challenged her and her plan to support the launch of the national digital currency.

A new currency, known as a Sovereign, will be a form of payment that can be received together with the US dollar. Voting in the legislature divides government bodies equally, with 16 votes given for and against Heine's elimination. Because the majority failed to agree to a vote of no confidence, Heine maintained her position.

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Signed, @bawangmerah230

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