Australian News Headlines, Auspol News Headlines Wednesday 22 November 2017

Breaking: Citizenship crisis: NXT Senator Skye Kakosche-Moore says that she is a dual British citizen and will resign.

Gina Rinehart gives Barnaby Joyce $40,000 award for being a 'champion of farming', Labor criticises award as 'smelly'.

The ABC reports that Labor is demanding answers from the Prime Minister after dual citizen Barnaby Joyce initially accepted a $40,000 donation from billionaire mining and cattle baron Gina Rinehart. In a glitzy event at the Canberra War Memorial Tuesday night, Mrs Rinehart took to the stage to announce that Mr Joyce, who is in the middle of a by-election, was the winner of a new award for being a "champion of farming". It is reported that she handed over a giant novelty cheque and the former agriculture minister and deputy prime minister and Mr Joyce told the assembled guests he would be spending the money on his farm. However, after criticism from political opponents, Mr Joyce's office has put out a statement now saying that he will "decline the prize money". The ABC reports that the Opposition's agriculture spokesman Joel Fitzgibbon has described the award as "very, very smelly".

Anti-SSM Philip Ruddock to review religious protections amid same-sex marriage debate.

It is reported by the ABC that Former Liberal frontbencher Philip Ruddock will chair a panel tasked with reviewing protections for religious freedom amid the same-sex marriage debate, the Federal Government has announced. The bill to legalise same-sex marriage in Australia, which has cross-party support, contains provisions so that ministers of religion cannot be forced to conduct same-sex marriages, but some conservatives have raised concerns these provisions do not go far enough it is reported. The ABC reports that Ministers have been at odds over whether religious protections should be dealt with this year, as amendments to the same-sex marriage legislation, or delayed until 2018. Senior conservatives Peter Dutton and Mathias Cormann reports the ABC, said that they wanted the issues dealt with next year, to help ensure same-sex marriage is legalised before Christmas. However, Treasurer Scott Morrison and Resources Minister Matt Canavan have called for some religious protections to be incorporated into the bill currently before Parliament. It is reported that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has now asked Mr Ruddock to conduct a separate review of religious freedoms and report back by the end of March next year. The ABC reports that the review is not expected to delay same-sex marriage with the Prime Minister repeatedly saying that it will become law by the end of the year. Prime Minister Turnbull's office said that the review would be a "timely expert stocktake to inform consideration of any necessary legislative reforms".

Malcolm Turnbull rules out banking royal commission despite backbench pressure.

The SMH reports that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has pushed back against renewed moves for a powerful inquiry into Australia's banks, reiterating that the government's opposition to a royal commission is on the grounds that it would not offer any immediate solutions for the scandal-plagued sector. Prime Minister Turnbull's rejection of the idea persists even though a commission of inquiry - similar to a royal commission but reporting to the Parliament rather than the government - has emerged as a distinct possibility with the support of a handful of maverick Nationals MPs it is reported.

"I can tell you we have as a government decided not to have a royal commission, we made the decision a long time ago, not because we don't believe there is nothing going on in terms of problems with the banks, it is because we want to take action right now and we are," Mr Turnbull commented on Channel Seven's Sunrise program.
It is reported by the SMH that faced with the prospect of LNP MPs crossing the floor in defiance of the government's policy, Mr Turnbull's cabinet has discussed the idea of dropping its opposition to a royal commission, The Daily Telegraph reported today.

Malcolm Turnbull fights to restore calm, amid growing discontent.

The SMH reports that Senior LNP figures have urged calm after the cancelling of next week's parliamentary sitting which saw ALP and the crossbench ramp up the pressure to restore the session, Tony Abbott criticise the cancellation, and reports of backbench disquiet so deep that one MP was considering defection. It is reported that Mr Abbott said fronting up in Parliament was the government's duty.

"You may not always want to go back to Parliament but you always have to go back to Parliament because, that's your job," he commented.

It is reported that amid an increasingly febrile atmosphere overlaid by the dual citizenship fiasco that potentially threatens his majority, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull promised "steady hands at the helm" and floated potential non-costed tax cuts for battlers. Deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop reports the SMH has also moved to smooth ruffled feathers, dismissing talk of an alternative leadership team made up of her as prime minister and Treasurer Scott Morrison as deputy. However, while one rumour had Ms Bishop as a possible alternative to Mr Turnbull, another named her as a key part of the government's problem. Responding to that story it is reported, that Ms Bishop invited conservative malcontents within the governing parties to discuss any problems with her rather than playing out such grievances in the public realm.

Australian official lashes out at Trudeau amid spat over Pacific trade deal.

CBS news reports that a spat between Canada and Australia is heating up as Australian officials signal that they will block Canada's admission to Asia's premier security forum, the East Asia Summit, amid tensions over the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. It is reported that an Australian news report suggests that the country's leadership has already rejected Canada's application to participate in the key forum because Australian trade officials were "gobsmacked" by Canada's behaviour on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Forum (APEC) last week in Vietnam. It is reported that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau skipped a planned meeting with the 10 other leaders of TPP countries while in Danang because he said that Canada simply was not ready to sign a deal that is not yet in the best interest of Canadians. It is reported that Liberal government officials have refuted international reports — notably from Australian and New Zealand news outlets — that suggested Canada alone was to blame for "screwed" TPP talks. CBS news reports that the summit's 18 members must reach a consensus on whether to lift a current membership moratorium and allow Canada to join, meaning that opposition from Australia could torpedo Canada's efforts. A report in the Australian Financial Review says CBS news cites a senior unnamed Australian official as saying that "EAS and APEC members are weighing up why Canada should be added to EAS following the TPP. Under Trudeau, Canada has increased its advocacy to join the EAS, but adding Canada is not on the EAS agenda."

"He pulled out of the TPP at five minutes to midnight and then rocked up at the EAS like he belonged there," the official commented.

Essential Poll: November 2017

ALP 38, Greens 9, Liberals 32 (-1), Nationals 3, PHON 8, NXT 3, others/independent 7.
2PP: ALP 54, LNP 46.
If an election was held today: ALP 91 (+22) seats, LNP 54 (-22) seats, others 5 seats.
Which Party will win the election LNP 20, ALP 36, Hung Parliament 18.

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