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Newbie Resteem Initiative Conspiracy Theory Writing Contest

Right, so one thing that is quite common place in the blogging world is conspiracy theories. Now these can be immense fun to read through, and even more fun to fact check. But I have always found the most fun ones are the extremely out there ideas. Obama is an alien, the Queen is a reptile, the second gunmen on the grassy knoll were inter dimensional creatures, etc. So I figured I'd create a contest inviting people to create posts around a conspiracy theory of their design. It can be out there in regards to topic, or it can be a legitimately well put together outside of the box way of looking at geopolitics or the world in general. Here's an example:

In the celebrated cartoon series "Rick and Morty" at the beginning of series three a mention of McDonald's szechuan dipping sauce (which stopped being made in 1998) is thrown into the episode plot. The impact of just this reference alone was enough later to cause chaos and pandemonium at McDonald locations in the United States when a rumor began to circulate that McDonald was to bring the sauce back on a certain day. Police were called, some people drove for hours only to be met with disappointment. Though there was nothing subliminal about this, the creators of "Rick and Morty" has been known to place random references and subliminal messages into various episodes. In the introduction to every episode we have references to HP Lovecraft with the appearance of Cthulu. In season three a "Truth Turtle" that says the words " I'm a beetle and Paul is dead".....when played backwards.

In season three the episode titled "Rest and Ricklaxation" Rick and Morty attend a spa where all of their psychological toxins are removed at a intergalactic spa. The toxins are sentient more bitterly human reflections of the now healthy Rick and Morty and manage to escape the detoxifyer to reek havoc upon the world. In this episode we find examples of the Steemit symbol around the toxins. Whether on the tank that contains them or in a swirling point at the top of the toxic broadcast tower. What can this mean? Is this yet another example of the creators of the show making another hidden refrence? Or is it simply just a coincidence? Is it perhaps suggesting that the dopamine hit received from social media approval that makes Facebook so addictive will be combined with greed in a monetary sense to toxify the world? Is this more Illuminati boasting hidden in the fabric of our entertainment yet again?

See? A crazy example of an out there conspiracy theory off the top of my head and under two paragraphs. This contest will be about created posts so please create a better one than the example I just gave. Lol. Most importantly though, really have some fun. Nothing is to outlandish so get those creative juices flowing!

1: Place a link to your post in the comments below.
2: The post that earns the most votes will be the winner.
3: Winner will receive the SBD payout from this post as their prize.
4: Winner will be announced at the close of the last entry to the contests post closure.

Well fellow Steemit folks, that's it for now. Really looking forward to your entries. Best of luck, and as always Steem on.