I am new here and I got flagged :/

I just joined this website yesterday because I friend invited me and told me a lot of good things about it.

Let me tell you it wasn't easy.

For starters I couldn't get the signup page to accept my pone number for verification. I am not in the US and wasn't sure how to input the info. Some instructions would be helpful.

So I decided to close the browser and do some other stuff. After some time I tried it again but this time it wouldn't accept my email. It told me that the email was already taken...bummer!

I wasn't ready to quit so I used another email address and this time I was able get the thing to accept my phone number.

Moving forward.

I setup my account and decided to post something to test it out...the only thing I got was some weird message in red letters that said something like "tx < bla bla bla" (the bla bla bla means that I don't remember the rest).

Crap! When my friend said it's in Beta he really meant it.

I decided to give it a rest and I tried it again later. So I wrote I quick post to see if I could get it to work (I just put in the words "this is a test") and it did work this time...cool!

Hours pass...I go to work...I come back home...I log in to my account and the first thing I see is that my test post was flagged with no explanation. What gives? That's how you great new members here?

Not a great start.

All image sources pixabay.com CC0 Public Domain

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