Hello once again.

Good morning to everyone out there I hope you're doing okay so far. By the way I'm not new to this platform already because I've been here for the past months and will have my 1 year here this coming July but things just don't go the way I planned.

I've been hit by life again and I know that I can't bring back what's lost already. What I'm talking about is my hive account that I created with the help of sir @Tpkidkai last July.


My blog focuses in gardening and I really enjoyed doing it for the past months that I've been here. With those blogs that I created I've met a lot of people who's into gardening also.

Well it's just all memories now but it gave me a lot of lessons and experiences. It made me grow as a person and not just that but a food grower.

So what happened is that my phone was formatted and all my files including my backup hive keys was lost into thin air. It's really a huge lost for me since my account already gained a reputation here and accumulated a huge amount, my account estimate is $300. It's already huge for me huhu but it became a stone in one mistake.

I created this account to start once more again and I hope that I can do the same as before.
That's all for today and this is just for transparency purposes.

Thank you for reading..

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