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Introduction post

Hello steem this will be my introduction to the community. Please bear with me as this will be the first thing I've ever written like this. Quite literally my first blog post ever.

About me: I am a 31 y/o guy currently living in Washington state. I have been married to my wife for 12 years, she is a saint to put up with me for all those years. We have 3 children ranging who are truly the joy of my life.

Who am I: Well now that's a loaded question and one that, when people really think about who they are is enough to cause a existential crisis now isn't it. What I have figured out about myself is that I am a; husband, father, Soldier, and politically fall somewhere between a constitutional conservative and libertarian. As far as the politics the best quote I've ever heard that I can identify with is " I just want my gay neighbors to be able to smoke weed and protect their adopted children with whatever gun they want" -unknown

Why Steem: My brother in law has been talking about steem and steemit for a while now and is about to start a power by steem project where he is riding his bike across the country entirely powered by the Steem community. Once I figure this stuff out more I'm sure I will be following him and promoting his cause because I think this is something great he I trying to do.

What I know and don't: I am absolutely brand new to an online community like this as well as cryptocurrency. I will be investing in cryptocurrency starting with steemit as soon as I can get all of that figured out. I've never bloged before but I think I will be trying to focus on some political topics with some medical stuff sprinkled in as I am The angry medic.

Ok I feel like if dribbled on quite enough for my first post . I woul love to get peoples recommend

ations as I enter this community. All advise and recommendations are appreciated.