Women Underwear Violence

Just in case grown men in tight pants fighting over an
oddly shaped ball isn't weird enough, you can always get weirder.

The Lingerie Football League or Legends Football League (LFL)
is growing according to Businessweek.


Started in 2009, the summer league has eight teams currently.

The spectacle includes athletically built women wearing tight short shorts and a reduced jersey to permit fans to see players' bras and of course, the highly exalted cleavage.


The women wear little in the way of safety equipment.
North American Football has been scrutinized for the continuing brain trauma
injuries incurred while fighting over the all important ball. So in it's wisdom,
the LFL decided to give it's players even less protection by providing them
with hockey helmets, which are not designed to
protect against football style collisions.


Having played both sports and experiencing concussions in both sports,
I can tell you there is not much to a hockey helmet and neither can protect
the head from trauma in those sports.


As a critic of modern adult football and it's social implications, I am no more excited about the move to involve half naked women in the violent game. You ever wonder why adults are paid to do things that are illegal anywhere else?


Football has become a modern slavery. Grown men, statistically African American,
paid to destroy their bodies and brains by statistically white owners and coaches.

Roanoake Times

I encourage all adults to discourage children from joining such sports - the social order within teams makes players extremely vulnerable to maltreatment and abuse.


Additionally, why would anyone want children to become brain damaged?
Does society really need more people who have trouble thinking
as well as increased medical problems?

The social implications of such activities and the move to sexualize them are lengthy. In a system that makes it impossible for many to make ends meet, there will always be people who must sell their nudity, destroy their bodies, participate in violence to get money. The USA has always ensured there will be an abundant supply of poor to sacrifice themselves to make the well protected rich even richer.


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