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You Can Attract Everything In This World By Using The "Low Of ATtraction....."

                                             "Do Not Believe Anything In This World Just Believe Yourself"

'You become what you think About' i repeat 'You become what you think about' this is the low                  of attraction, 

Hello friends i am Vikas...........

                                                                "All that we are is a result of

                                                                          what we have thought"


                                                        "Your imagination is your preview

                                                                 of life's coming attractions"

                                                                                                                         ~Albert Einstein

                                                         "Nothing external to me has any 

                                                                            power over me"

                                                                                                              ~Walt Whitman

                                                    "Whether you think you can or think you can't,

                                                                                either way you are right"

                                                                                                                          ~Henry Ford

                                                    "Keep your thoughts positive,

                                                        because your thoughts become your words.

                                                        Keep your words positive ,

                                                        because your words become your behaviours.

                                                        Keep your behaviours positive,

                                                        because your behaviours become your habits.

                                                        Keep your habits positive,

                                                        because your habits become your values.

                                                        Keep your values positive,

                                                        because your values become your destinty

                                                                                                                     ~ Mahatma Gandhi