Irrefutable Evidence Presented by Netanyahu in Masterful Lecture

In what can only be hailed as a remarkable achievement, Israeli Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered damning evidence against the Middle East’s most dangerous rogue nation.

Bibi outlined irrefutable evidence in no uncertain terms related to the criminal deceptions of the regime in defiance of the international community.

Aside from a number of technical glitches that plagued the power point throughout the evening, the presentation has been lauded for its factual accuracy and candid nature.

Speaking predominantly in English, Bibi spoke directly to the American people who he hopes will agree that this international injustice cannot be tolerated any longer.

Netanyahu’s Ingenious Lecture and Path to World Peace

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Tonight, we’re going to show you... something that the world has never seen before.

Tonight, we’re going to reveal new and conclusive proof of the secret nuclear weapons program that Israel has been hiding for years from the international community in its secret atomic archives.

Israel Nuclear Archive Final1.png

We’re going to show you Israel’s secret nuclear files.

You may well know that Israel’s leaders repeatedly deny ever pursuing nuclear weapons.

You can listen to Israel’s Prime Minister...

I LIED.jpg

I will tell you something right now.

Israel will not tolerate this situation.

not tolerate gif.gif

You see, it all started in this dilapitated warehouse outside Tel Aviv.

Netanyahu  Iran Lied About Nuclear Ambitions   YouTube.png

Inside the warehouse, we found abandoned karaoke machines with 55,000 songs listed in thick binders and an additional 55,000 contemporary artists on 183 CDs.

Netanyahu  Israeli Intelligence Proves Iran s Deception On Nuclear Deal   YouTube(2).png

We also found secret nuclear files.

Here's what the files said.

Incriminating Documents!

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Incriminating Charts!

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Incriminating Blueprints!

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Incriminating Photos!

Incrim photo DInoma1.png

Incrim photo Nuke Facilities `.png

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Incriminating Videos!

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Incrim vids coruption News report1.png

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Incriminating Pose!

Bibi Wall Pose.png

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Image Credit:



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