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Ok, so I’m guilty of it too. I’ve seen community organizers, activists and even friends post about net neutrality. I was never sure what it was. I just knew I was not about to call the “gubmint” and give them my information. After all, other people will do it, right? These things usually work out in the end, right? WRONG!
I don’t want to make this article long, because that’s why I never read those “net neutrality” websites myself. I will make this as quick and painless as possible.
Without Net Neutrality, people of color and the poor are the biggest losers. Not just because there will be pay walls all over the internet keeping us from viewing some of our favorite websites. But also, because… REMEMBER THAT REVOLUTION THAT NOBODY WANTED TO TELEVISE? Well, it got moved to the internet, and now they want to shut that down too.
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Long story short, here are some scenarios you need to be afraid of happening if we lose net neutrality:

  1. Social Justice movements will lose momentum. Remember how Twitter caused a massive uprising in the Middle East? Are you enjoying being able to follow hashtags like #BlackLivesMatter #BlackTwitter and #BlackGirlsMagic? Well, go ahead and kiss all of that goodbye, cause you know Black folks don’t wanna pay for shyt. Without net neutrality, people interested in creating change will no longer be able to reach the masses easily, and change will be stifled. People like Obama (who don’t have as huge of campaign funds and had to use social media like Instagram as a huge part of his grassroots campaign won’t have the privilege of such an equalizer any more)
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  2. Wealthy (mostly White) gatekeepers will control your thought life. Has your life been changed by being able to freely follow natural hair care social media accounts, YouTube accounts and blogs? Have you ditched television for Black-friendly or body positive programming on channels like Issa Rae’s YouTube channel? Well, if net neutrality goes, you will be stuck watching Pretty White kids With Problems on network television peppered in with a few stereotyped images of people of color leaving you thoroughly hating the skin God gave you.
  3. The Rich will get richer and the Poor will stay broke. I don’t know if you have noticed, but free internet has made it possible for A LOT of underrepresented people to get their “big break” into social and economic spaces that used to be reserved for people with “connections,” lots of money and/or a lack of melanin. Think of Issa Rae, Nicki Minaj, Justin Beiber, The Weekend and Soulja Boy just to name a very few. These people who rose to fame from YouTube, MySpace, etc. would not be where they are today if not for their online exposure via free internet access.
    I could go on and on, but I think I have made my point. Tomorrow, I plan to make the call to my Senator in favor of net neutrality. I think you should too, if you don’t want your favorite websites, blogs, podcast and social media accounts held hostage by greedy gatekeepers.
    To find out more about Net Neutrality visit or read Wikipedia’s page on the subject.