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NerfGun WallMount


Happy Sunday, quick project that I’ve been meaning to do for sometime now. I finally got around to it.

Nothing to special and the parts where not so hard to find as I originally thought.

Nerf gun WallMount

Picked up the Necessary Supplies I picked up three peg boards 4 x 3 , A pack of drywall screws enough for the plastic spacer that I purchased so I can put it between the drywall and the pegboard so I can have space for the hook mounts behind the pegboard, it also gives me an ability to add LED lights behind it because there’s about half an inch in between the wall and the pegboard due to those 1 1/2 inch plastic spacers. That I purchased which was a good idea.

Although I only used two out of the three peg boards I was thinking of putting 2 x 2 and then the third one on top of it I think I’m still gonna do that but I also need to go buy more Nerf guns.

I had to add a plastic spacer right in the middle of each board it was to flimsy.
I’ll put up an update with some LEDs behind it to see how it looks should look nice.