Neoxian City Photo Challenge - Week #13 - Lovely Reflection on a Japanese Mall

Since I don't know Japanese and I couldn't even copy paste the characters into Google, it took me a bit more than it would for a Japanese speaker to find the location of this photo in Steemit Worldmap but after some digging, I was able to find it.

So, apparently, 三田フレンズ means Mita Friends and it's a Shopping Mall. It looks quite nice, too, with the windows reflecting the buildings across the street.


This is my entry for the Photochain Challenge - Week 13 hosted by @neoxian-city.

The theme for this week is Reflection so you can see why I picked this shot. From the angle I took the photo, it almost feels like the buildings are merging together.

I hope you liked this shot... and if you're a photographer yourself, please come join us in this contest.

CameraXiaomi Redmi 3
LocationTokyo - Japan
PhotoEdited with GIMP

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