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What happens after you let the leftists burn down your ghettos?

White Ex-Ferguson Resident AMA
This is from a 4chan /pol thread; I removed some racist language. The video links mentioned do not work; one was removed by tinyURL, and the other goes to some sporting event comment on Twitter. I changed no quotations nor did I correct any spelling.

  • To anyone in communities that have had "protests" or considering adopting "police reforms"
    I am from the Future. I know how this plays out over the years. Right now you are in the "Solidarity / We can rebuild" phase. Its by far the most comfy. High emotions, deep discussion online and in person, surprisingly general positivity, heavy medea focus.
    Would you like to know what happens next?

  • Next comes the hangover phase. The action is over, but media keeps pushing it ad nauseum.
    People start forming "community oversight commisions" that more or less go nowhere, Your average jo and jamal resume daily rutines, but their is tension in the air. Less small talk at the cash register, stink wyes passing on the street.
    Youths feel embolden and go buck wild in small groups from time to time, especially friday nights. You see lots more reckless drivers and large companies, small bussinesses pull out of projects or refuse to rebuild.
    This lasts a few months until...

  • a sense of normallacy returns. But its different.
    Cops become much less engaged. Looters / protesters (typically drifters anyway) find themselves abandonned in their new home and group up in trap houses. The epicenter of the rioting becomes a new safe zone due to lax police presence, basically a Mecca for all the down trodden.
    Heroin and meth moves in in force, even more than before. Now there are well connected all but proffesionals supplying the kids with solid hookups free from intervention and the problems that it brings.
    The youth lap it up. They regect any notion of the society theyve been confined to and even the ones on the edge turn to the underworld as the only way to rise up

  • Gradually of course, all the do gooders give up for greener pasture. Home prices tumble as the reputation of being a ghetto spreads far and wide. And we are'nt even at the verdect phase yet...

  • Approaching the verdict a renewed media interest is fostered. People go out ready for a fight - energy high. Guilty or not, riots will ensue, but to a lesser degree as forces have been deployed. All well and good, but looters simply caravan to areas of the city with less focus while a small committed group burn a few things making for great photo ops.
    I forgot to mention in the interim the strangely sparse protesters scattered throught on corners around epicenters on a nice day.

  • At this point a commenter notes:
    [insert Bezmenov demoralization quote here]

  • Pretty much. Hell it worked on me.
    By next spring all media attention is gone, and the do gooder "we will rebuild, we will reform" have all lost motivation. They talk, and get some things through legislation, but the actual community development they speak of is never realized, except for a token job center to be planned. OG's are forced out, and the 15 year olds get their drivers license, immediately going into drug dealing. Houses decay at a quicker pace, as actual homeowners realize their investment is now in the negative.
    Within two years most whites and well to do blacks get sick of the dailey bullshit and move out. The cops have had so many inquireies and reprimands they all but stop patrolling and simply respond to called in requests, fostering a sense of lawlessness. Whites retreat to their few underground bars or traditionally white restraunts.
    Given, some bussiness owners get some sweet incentives from bleeding heart banks. But its never enough to make a real change

  • Nice shill
    Im just telling you the future.
    After a few years all but the most commited remain, all else is loss. The trajectory of everyones well being is nosediving. Drive bys start. Kids are killed. They are investigated, but nothing comes from it. The activists who truly believed in the cause and upset with what they see are suicided for trying to speak out
    (save this video, its being shoahd hard)
    No its not a nothingburger, just a descent into ghettodom and hopelessness

    Pic by OP commenter

  • my point is all the talk of rebuild and solidarity is fantasy. Shit gets worse for everyone, which goes without saying.
    And enjoy your police reforms. Its a good time to go into the manufacture of controlled substances. Real talk

  • Eh kind of too late for that, its already the hangover phase. You'll have your virtue signalling protests in white neighborhoods here and there, or your scattered number "Union member striking" like protests where a few people with lawn chairs are on a corner with signs. But the real fun is over.
    As everyone returns to their day to day the big difference is that blacks become much more openly hostile to whites no matter how good they were getting along before. The hippy dippy shit is quickly replaced with sour attittudes across the board, bringing everyoones moral down while the underworld establishes a m uch more prominent foothold and bussiness / outside investors pack up and leave.
    It gets really tiresome, and even the virtue signalers get sick of the daily bullshit, fleeing for greener pasture until those areas are full blown ghettos. This WILL be the case in minne, probally south philly and maybe even some areas of LA, NY - theyre a little more robust than poor ole ferguson was however so not a 1:1 comparison

  • Just remember, how ever many concessions you make it wont be enough. Ferguson did legit everything in their power to reform, but still had protests and riots over this.
    Simply because the opportunity arose.