How Hitler's "Big Lie" has become the democong's "Big Racist Lie"

Hitler's use of The Big Lie was designed by Goebbels: In the tactic of The Big Lie, an obvious lie is told in a way that makes people take sides. The use of obvious dishonesty is used because it is a signalling tactic. Essentially, it is used to identify True Believers and Heretics. True believers "believe" what their masters tell them to; heretics use their own eyes, brains, and hearts.

Over the last three decades, the democrats have increasingly used this tactic in racially charged incidents. Jussie Smollett, Trayvon Martin, and Michael Brown come immediately to mind, but there are dozens of such incidents.

The latest Big Lie

Look at Lebron's lie, not Elder's refutation.

Armed Robbery was hunted down and killed while jogging unarmed.

The facts

  • 1588908942223.png

Glynn County Police Department: Public Release Incident Report for G20-1130

Two burglaries had occurred in the Satilla Shores neighborhood in 2020 before the shooting" " The theft was of a pistol "

"And he's been caught on camera a bunch at night. It's kind of an ongoing thing."
On the afternoon of Arbery's death, he entered a house under construction, triggering the owner's security system and recording video

"Stop, stop, we want to talk to you"

"began to violently attack Travis" before two shots were fired.

Barnhill wrote that the McMichaels were within their rights to chase "a burglary suspect".

Barnhill claimed that "Arbery initiated the fight", and that Travis McMichael "was allowed to use deadly force to protect himself"

Barnhill wrote that Arbery had mental health issues and past prior convictions,

  • Unless The Magic God of Racism just magically teleported Armed Robbery from the right side of the truck to the left and magically put his hands on the shotgun, what is clear is that Armed Robbery did attack Travis McMichael.

The consequences

There is a second use of The Big Lie in democrat #informationwar; it is the further division between white and black people. 4chan racists have already taken to calling black folk "joggers".

What is worse than name calling is the collectivisation of people by group. Not all blacks believe in the lies told by democrats...yet the 4chan racists will attack all blacks in the same way that democrat liars attack claim that white people are running around killing black people for shits and giggles. The Big Lie works in that division. Note in the following 4chan comments that while there are valid statements regarding the Narrative of this incident, but that also there is group blame of ALL black people at the same time. Some of these statements make absolute sense when that tone of racism is filtered out (i.e blanket blame of "blacks")

Black guy dies on generally nebulous circumstance and justification
Media take the black guys side and prints absolute speculation as facts
Black community and reddit style political type side with black guy
NO JUSTICE NO PEACE! rapid unplanned deconstruction of unrelated private property begins
More facts emerge, apparently he was menacing people and acting violent
Black community and reddit types can't figure out why there's a generally common undercurrent about distrusting these stories
Every time. This is why I stopped being leftist. These people don't care about facts, they just want every minority to exist outside the justice system

We're in post truth society, bro. It's clear that facts don't matter to these people, because if they did, the world's richest and most famous professional athlete would be using his billions of dollars and massive social influence to point out that gang violence kills more blacks every year than white racism to the tune of about 5,000. Instead he's claiming that all black people everywhere in America are in danger of being murdered by rednecks who just can't help themselves.

Regardless of what the truth is, your average black television viewer and social media user already has their mind made up about this incident and literally every other problem that blacks in America face. The incredible irony that most white people will agree with them (because they uncritically consume and repeat the same media would be funny if it weren't so fucking sad.

The original story always breaks as "Evil White Kills Black purely out of racism". Critical evidence (despite being blaringly obvious) is always witheld and the center story point is always exagerated race bait. But then critical facts which were available from the start slowly leak over months breaking holes in the narrative. But given that only stories like this are picked year after year may lead one to believe they are planted for that reason. So the question is, are they doing it to enrage stupid poc's who are to dim to see past the original outrage encited by the baiting press? or are they doing it to enrage the critical thinkers who look past the spin to see the actual facts of the case? Or are they doing it to do both?

The third use of The Big Lie by the democong is to hide their own sabotage of black communities. I detail this in other posts:

Black communities in America will never succeed until the lynchrope of the democrat party, it's community sabotage, and it's lies, have been purged from those communities.

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