In The Beginning.

I didn't come to make you laugh seriously I did not I came to you of some things that I might not be able to see clearly as of now, there are so many things that are hidden in this world that wish we were not aware of not all of them I do know of, but I am sure there are so many hidden things far beyond the level of conspiracy theory and philosophers trying to explain what they don't know or spiritually Masters trying to explain what they are now aware of.

I mesmerize people a lot trying to find some connections between the funny aspect of life the intriguing part and the serious one, this is by doing this that we later get to know some things that are happening which can spawn your brain to think harder. I can also tell you of something that I am not even aware of or I can't even explain but if we look at it together maybe we can find an explanation for the patterns of some things that are happening all around us.

Can a man go further than what if in or do we need at least once in a while someone who has a higher IQ to propel us to greatness?

The day this whole world is going to be aware of the fact that we all tend to have the potential to be the next biggest scientist the world has ever seen or to make the most intriguing discovery of all time is the day we all step further advance each other.

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