RE: My last post here in neoxian or using this tag EVER

yeah for sure I'd love to read about that tag/dm are both fine

I could not agree more... this world is way too big of a place to allow other peoples journey's to hurt that of our own. I've already found another guild that seems to give me a rather good vibe as I've already have rather deep connections/talks with some of the members already and it was rather heartwarming to receive several invites to join other guilds in this process.

I just think at times awareness is important and when someone wrongs someone else they should be held accountable to their words or at least apologize for it, but we will see what comes from all of this. Thanks I really appreciate all the effort you put in your comments also never feel obliged to respond as that is sometimes a stress I find myself in as well. I don't really know too much about you as we've only recently met but I can get a feeling and understanding through the posts/comments you've already made not only on my personal posts/dm's but the outreach you continually do in support of the community at large.
<(''<) ('') (>'')> YOU ARE AMAZING!!! <(''<) ('') (>'')>

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