If there is a God, why is there so much suffering in the world?

Thank you @ecoTrian for this wonderful question. Many believe that since GOD is the creature of all things on the earth, suffering should not be part of humankind. Though, from the creature GOD did create human beings to suffer because he said, “I made all the beautiful”. The plan of GOD for humankind was to be king and queen over everything he made. That was the reason, after GOD created Adam and Eve, he gave Adam go ahead to name all things he made and made him head over the garden of Eden. That shows how much GOD loves human beings more than any other creature he made.
The initial plan of GOD was to communicate with him just like how Adam did not find it difficult to talk with GOD.
Some Time ago, I had a friend who was depressed because he was battling with a problem for years: and he asked me, “is there GOD, why is this thing happening to me?” in his mind, he had written off GOD because of what he was passing through.
He stopped going to church and started drinking around just because there was no solution for me. He became more depressed after he stopped going to church because he doesn't want to listen to anyone again. The christian brothers and sisters that were coming to him, playing, praying, taking him out, encouraging, and taking care of him stopped coming to him because he said he doesn’t want to see them again.
He became more aggressive and worse than before; a few months later he was crushed by a car after being heavily drunk, stupor and accidentally ran into a car.

  • GOD gave us freewill: Deuteronromy 30 vs 15 says, “see, I have set before thee this day, life and good, and death and evil”. Deuteronomy 30;19 “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live”.
    One of the greatest gifts that GOD gave to humankind is the choice to choose, you become the circumstance of your choice, if you choose evil; surely, evil will come to you one day, it is just a matter of time. The choice you make today will determine what will come to you tomorrow.
    If you want to do something either good or bad, GOD will not force you not to do it, even if you have good conscience, your mind will tell you about the good or bad of what you are about to do. It is now left for you to yield to your mind. That is how GOD speaks. GOD will not come down from heaven and push you away from the bad things you are about to do. After a while the bad things you do will start hunting you back.
    Therefore, whatever you sow, you will surely reap, it is called karma.
    The worst part of it is that the child can be suffering from the evil or bad things his grandfather has done.
  • Sin: The original plan of GOD wasn’t suffering, sin came through one man called Adam. The Bible says, ‘no sinner will go unpunished’, some people think they are smart when they are not caught during an evil deed. Not knowingly to them that they will pay for what they have done. And most of the time they are suffering for their evil deeds, they seem to forget what they have done.
    Cain’s curse is in operation in the life of people today. Cain killed his brother Abel because GOD accepted the sacrifice of Abel and rejected Cain's sacrifice. Genesis 4:11-12 says, ‘and thou art curse from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand; When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
    This curse is working in the life of people today, that is the reason you see some kind of people suffering in their lifetime. Even though they are working, there is no profit because they are children of Cain; also they have done more than what Cain has done to his brother. This kind of person continues to suffer throughout his life.
  • Disobedience: GOD hates disobedient children. The moment Saul disobeyed GOD, he took the kingship from the hand of Saul and an evil spirit started tormenting him.
    The moment GOD turns his back to you, such a person will start to suffer. Disobedience to GOD will lead to suffering.

In conclusion, there is so much suffering in the world today because most people don’t pay attention to GOD again. They love money more than GOD and can do anything to get money, either to dupe or kill someone because of money not knowingly that karma will surely speak.
People oppress each other because there is no fear of GOD in them. Even some people believe that GOD does not exist, and tend to oppress more because nobody will avenge them.

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