Matrix: Red Pill, Blue Pill, or Gold Pill


The Matrix is a 1999 film that changed peoples perception of the world.

There are ALL KINDS of interpretations of this movie and many many theories all over the internet as to its meaning.

Perhaps the most pivotal part of the movie is when Morpheus asks Neo ( shoutout to @neoxian !) to take the

Blue pill

Or the Red pill.


The blue pill represented a life of ignorance and bliss. The red pill a life of awakening to reality of the world.

I choose:



Taking the red pill like Neo does is just not enough for me. While the blue pill can mean many different things to many different people, to me one of the meanings is the phony fiat monetary system.

I am not saying that this is the intention of the writers.

It is MY intention.

Although Morpheus COULD be talking about the fake fiat monetary system here:


With art, it is up to us to perceive what is relevant to us.... and this is what I take from it.

So what is the Gold pill?

The Gold pill is allowing yourself to maintain an escape hatch to the monetary system. While no hedge is perfect, a gold pill gives you a fighting chance.

Once you understand how currency is created and how much global debt saturates the world you will want a gold pill pretty quick.

After you finish the matrix trilogy try watching The Big Short and see if that motivates you.

Gold has proven itself to resist entropy, complete inert and virtually immortal to time, it is obvious why gold has ascending through civilizations via physics .

I already understood this on some level but my knowledge solidified while studynig some of my personal hero’s work:
^Josh Crumb

So if we are going to take the Gold pill together, lets keep having fun with it.

Let’s do it with style and lets do it proudly and purely.

Let’s do it with MENĒ 24k!


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To find out more about what Goldmoney is from your fellow Steemians :

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For Menē 24k investment jewelry here:

I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney and Menē through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.

All images sourced from Menē and Goldmoney.

Read more about Goldmoney:

I will let famous Steemian @coruscate explain:

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