Still curating the dynamichivers community BUT...

I recently declared that I was not curating from the art community in my recent post, @dynamichivers/curating-neoxian-city-influencers. I need to make clear that if you still decide to post in the dynamichivers community I will still curate you but will check for your content on steem first.

I am at the point now, after discovering the crazy split in some of our Hive community members on the perceptions of still using steem, that if you are using steem I will not curate you. I am finding people are having their accounts stolen still and others care not about what happened to our community members in the transition from steem to HIVE and leading up to it; i.e. @ned purposefully destroying the price of steem. It seems that some basic rat race financial world concepts are starting to consume the minds of men and women here on HIVE, such as every man and woman for themselves to gain at the expense of others or throwing all morals to the way side for a profit. This mindset is not in alignment with a healthy community and it will destroy any community trying to create a healthy environment.

So please continue to use our community if you want extra curation and engagement on your posts. I will just double check for plagiarism and avoid curating you if I find you are still using steem. I will not downvote you or put you on a list as a previous post indicated since Whales and others do not seem to care. I do care and to a fault perhaps. I care about you and your content. I want to see you succeed and progress in a positive way here on HIVE and with dynamichivers, especially if you join the community of @neoxian on matrix chat and understand that using steem is not allowed.

Thank you for being a key member of our community on HIVE!

A Fun Generalized Community on HIVE to join!

The Neoxian city is now located in Element chat

Please visit us in Element.
Element information:
The id of the man to talk to there is
Neoxian's city chat:

Who does not love NFTs?

Do you love art and want to get you some NFTs or mint them? Do not be afraid to use my referral link for @nftshowroom or just travel directly to their site!

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