What Are The Most Important Elements Of The Negligence Claim?

In personal injury cases, for you to receive compensation for the injury you suffered, you need to usually prove some sort of negligence. For instance, if you were involved in a slip and fall at Chickfila Boston MA, you have to prove that you fell due to something that could have been avoided. If you do not prove negligence, you do not get the compensation since it is impossible to determine that someone was at fault. This is where the negligence claim steps in.

As a plaintiff, you have to prove the 4 elements of the negligence claim. These are the following.


You need to see if the defendant was responsible for what is known as duty of care. Usually, the relationship between the defendant and plaintiff is an actual legal duty. As an example, the doctor that gives you bad medical advice has the legal duty to offer competent medical care. As another example, if someone operates a motor vehicle, there is an implied duty of care to operate it safely. The establishing of this legal duty of care is mandatory for the negligence claim.

Breach Of Duty Of Care

After the duty was established, the court has to understand if there was a breach through an action that was not reasonable. Basically, the court determines what reasonably prudent individuals would do if they were faced with similar circumstances. We are talking about a legal standard that simply means how average people act in specific situations. This establishes what is responsible.

A defendant will be found to be negligent when their actions were different than what the average individual would do in the exact same scenario. This is more than enough to prove negligence. For instance, if doctors would generally be able to identify a disease but your doctor did not, we are talking about medical negligence.


The plaintiff also has to prove that the negligence of the defendant is what caused the injury. This is very important because the presence of negligence is not actually enough to cause an injury. As an example, if someone was using a smartphone while driving and did not hit a car, that individual cannot be sued for negligence of any type.

It is also important to look at whether or not a defendant could have reasonably foreseen the appearance of the injury for someone else. When the actions of the defendant caused the injury through something that was not directly caused by the actions of the individual, liability is not true.


The last part of the negligence claim is establishing damages. Basically, this is all about figuring out how much is needed for the plaintiff to be compensated for the injuries suffered. Usually, this is done through the issuing of monetary compensation to deal with expenses like property repair or medical care.

Whenever you have to file negligence claims, it is best to discuss it with an attorney. As you can see, the claim is not as simple as you might initially think and many mistakes can be done.

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