I don't know how people can't read through the lines on this.



This is the NCAA exacerbating a cash grab at the expense of young people's futures and doing so by using woke language.

I have my own problems with standardized testing; but, we've already been dumbing down the SATs in order to do the same thing that the NCAA is claiming and, to get more kids to cough up tuition money. We're already sending kids to college who can barely read.

So, what's the real intention here? What's the real thought process?

Is it that people of color aren't good test takers? I think that that's they're assumption (outside of Asians). Black students, with the current academic eligibility rules in place, made up 60% of football and basketball college rosters last year. So, in the NCAA's biggest sports, black men far outperform everyone else.

No, I think that there are a lot of people out there who aren't good at school; but, they're good at running and catching the balls. So, you get athletes who you don't have to pay for four years who will go out and make the NCAA a ton of money, they won't be equipped for a job other than sports, and the only benefit that the players would get would be a 1.4% chance of going pro.

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