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Eco friendly ways to use the nature around us

There are many ways to use the bounties that nature provides us. In fact, it is cheaper and safer and also helps prevent pollution in one way or another. When we learn to start using nature in a meaningful manner and stop the destruction of the elements, then harmony will be reestablished, and peaceful life will be the result. Given below are some useful ways in which man can live harmoniously with nature and also help to preserve goodness. Many life forms depend on nature for survival and no matter how small they are, they matter to the ecological cycle.


  • Coconut leaf Broomstick

Many of you might be using broomsticks bought from the store. I too used to do that until I settled in the village. When I first arrived in the village, I noticed that making a broomstick from dried or almost dried coconut leaves was a thing. Women sit down after lunch and take a bunch of coconut leaves and using a knife strip the vein of the leaf away. This vein is kept aside and the leaves are discarded. The veins are then polished once again and tied together to form a broom. The brooms can be used or can be stored for months in a place that does not have moisture.

Naturally made broomsticks are very easy to make and also ensure that humans use nature to a full extent.

  • Manure

Manure made from animals can be used by farmers directly and even perhaps on a weekly basis. Manure is usually made from animal dung like cow dung, the poop of chickens, etc. This is then collected and dried and stored in sacks. It is usually spread around crops so that the plants grow well by way of organic fertilizer and manure.

Cow dung can also be made into round-shaped cakes that are sun-dried. These cakes can be used to light fires too or to add fuel to the fire. It is also used to light the Puja fire. The smoke that is emanated is not at all bad and even has a pleasant smell.

Cow dung is also used to produce Biogas that can be used to light the biogas stove, lamps, and other related things. The biogas stove is different from the LPG version and is less dangerous but nevertheless can be used to cook. The flames have less intensity than the LPG version.


  • Thatched houses

You might have seen certain houses in villages or sometimes resorts houses that have roofs made from dried coconut leaves. I know that these are not good for long-term use and nowadays people rarely use them unless they belong to a really remote area or are cut off from modern society. Coconut leaves are dried and along with poles used to build roofs for houses made of natural materials. Such roofs are not safety-proof because they can be destroyed easily. These can also be easily accessed by wild animals and crawling creatures. Nowadays, resorts use them to attract visitors who want to experience such stays.

Fun fact - Every part of the coconut tree is useful.

Have you eaten food from a banana leaf? 😉