Is saving the nature a wrong thing to do and against the Laws of Evolution?

Recently I was browsing feeder bowls for my baby on Amazon and accidently I came across this Bird Feeder.


Out of curiosity I dig into the product and read the intentions of the makers of the product. I was quite amused to see such a quality product was priced for so much low that I was tempted and bought a couple of those immediately.


It took me (3) days to get the delivery and as soon as I received it, I just hang them out my house to a Mango tree (my Mom was worried that the birds might finish off the Mangoes).


Initially for a week or so, there was no bird I can see, but slowly a couple of birds were habituated for the feed.

As I liked the idea and the results, I suggested to some of my friends with the product and suddenly there were some bizarre theories that came attacking me..….


They argued that it’s not recommended and I should not encourage such things either, because this kind of feed to birds can lead to the Laziness in the species and they will lose their hunting/ food finding capacity. Eventually, when due to some reasons if I stop the feed, the habituated birds will die since they lost their survival abilities. So, the law of nature must be kept a top and there must be survival of the fittest.

May be yes! and may be No!...

I might agree to some points in the above argument. But, as per the law above, no species is more fit than us Humans. We have proved to nature time and again that we are the ultimate survivors by forcing the extinction of more than 30% of the animal and bird species in just 100 years.



Now, is that a matter to be appreciated? Do we need to be proud of this sick achievement? In my childhood, every morning my house used to be visited by at least 10 sparrows. It’s been 10 years, I have seen any in my neighborhood. Now how did they got extinct? Is it not because of the concrete forest that we built? The plight of those is ineffable.

Nature Gave Equal Right to Every Species

Every life in the system has got equal importance and every living being has got equal right to live. It might be a Mosquito or a Blue Whale in Sea! Might be a Honey Bee or a Panda! Every insect and every animal is important to balance the Eco system. But, since it’s because of us humans, most of the eco system was effected, we have got some moral responsibility to give something back to the nature. I don’t say, every house must become a bird sanctuary or Zoo, but every human should have the compassion towards the small species those are struggling for survival. Finally, It’s up to our moral standards to give some support to the Nature and eco system or to go on with the immoral theories and witness the most dangerous consequences that nature has planned for you.

Plz follow up vote and resteem @sasiyedavalli

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