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Video Wednesday: Sao Miguel Island from Pico de Mafra

Hi there my Hivean friends and followers!

When on travels, I always try to capture what I get to see with my photos but sometimes, I take videos too. Definitely not as often as I snap shots - I probably have dozens of thousands of photos vs. just a few dozens of videos - but I still think some of them deserve to be published here on my blog too. As you might remember from some of my older video posts though, I always had some issues with the video platforms here on the chain. Originally, I used to use D-Live (that must have been back in the old days of Steem) but this project left the chain and all the videos uploaded to the platform were defunct. Then, I tried to use D-Tube for several of my video posts but for some reason, this platform never really worked me... Usually, I couldn´t upload the video to D-Tube at all and when I somehow did, it was not working anyway... Frustrated by those futile attempts, I created a Youtube account and to my surprise, uploading to Youtube proved to be very fast and easy and the videos work just fine. With that being said, it seems that I finally have a place where I can share videos with you so I decided to come up with this special series called Video Wednesday. I don´t know if I can run this series every week, probably not because I don´t really have that many interesting videos and I am not planning to start recording like crazy from now on just because of this series, but maybe every other Wednesday or so, I should be able to come up with a new episode.

So this is the very first episode of the series and we will start out easy as I am going to kick off with a short video featuring some beautiful panoramic views of the Sao Miguel Island as seen and captured from the top of Pico de Mafra, a little hill located in the northeastern part of the island.

Cover shot for the post, taken from the same spot as the video

I hope you enjoyed the video and I would also appreciate any feedback on this new series of mine. Videos really haven´t been my thing so any tips, suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated indeed. Thanks :)

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Traveling, Sport, Photography and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)