Dark shadows and good sun


I not have snow in this year, but I have this cool last years snow photos what look very cool. I photographed them directly in black and white. This sun was very strong also snow I had lot what was the key to get good strong dark winter photos.

I'm interested in what people see in my pictures.
That's why I also describe my pictures a little, it helps me understand what others think and see.
Soon I shall post new photos. In here, I use my Sony NEX-5T and my 16-50 mm lens.






I'm trying to bring new pictures here every day, and that's not easy, because the images do not always want to come, sometimes I must have to be patient and wait.


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and I hope you all follow this journalists or help shere their storys, their pages are blocked on the big social media pages in a very harsh and very nasty ways. They have lot cool videos what lot must see and make time and think what they points out.

I hope you also follow this big BTC speaker and educator, here are two small cool videos where you can start look what he say what is BTC and why it is good.

The Internet of Money

Introduction to Bitcoin

If you have the time then watch this great health video, information that is not shared with us because it is not profitable for big corporations

Secret Health with Clive De Carle - Available Now on Ickonic...

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