Nature: love her but leave her wild


No shopping malls, no fake buildings, no busy roads, Just me and the wilderness.

No heels, no fancy dresses, nothing expensive, just me and my sandals (or slippers we called it)

Back at my hometown


City life can be poisonous to your health, forcing you to become 'it' - often a someone's that you dislike. Don't take your life for granted. Run to nature when you feels like it. That virus will take over your life. Making you forgot how beautiful the color green is.

Mosquitoes & long-tailed macaque


No monkey business here. Wildlife in Malaysia is the most diverse you can see. Observing wildlife is one of the way to appreciate nature.

These macaques looks hungry. Spectators gave them what they have. Seems not enough.

Sulking macaques. Too cute.

Sit back, take it easy, tropical climates often have a lot of mosquitoes, particularly if the dawn is coming. Sweat. They are attracted to your sweat. Take it or leave it, because that is just the way it works. It leave marks on you. Treat is as a gift from nature and your grudges will comes down.

Koi fish & Catfish


Fishy. These fishes are so big in size. They must have been giving proper food by the people. Too many, too colorful and too beautiful. You are living free in this big ponds. Swim freely dear fishes - coz even I am not as free as you.



Sharp edges covered in mud. Spectacle of limestone took million years to form. We know it, but those greediness bastards just keep on quarrying those formations for their own benefits.

Zero-nil. We know nature couldn't fight those bulldozers and cranes.

Enjoy it while it last. They are precious.

Nature only can be mad given the times. We all will be punished.

Happy holiday,



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