Fishing ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Hey there friends!!


One of my favorite ways to spend a day is out by the water catching fish. I just love being in the sunshine with a breeze rolling off the water. The best part though, eating the fish!!! I love fresh fish. We like to grill fish like trout or if we catch catfish we like to fry the filets. So amazing!!! I thought I would share some of my catches with y'all ;) When it comes to fishing, I'm more of a quantity over quality kind of gal lol. I just love catching and catching, I don't care how small they are(of course I put the babies back in). When we eat fish it's usually because my fiancée has a lot more patience than me. He fishes for the big catch. He might spend all day and only catch a fish or two, but he's looking for quality. Which is great for me or else I might go hungry that night ;)

Here's some of my fishys 🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟



I caught a lot of grief for this picture. Yes, I went fishing in a dress. We had some time to kill before a party so why not? ;)
And I caught a big fish. Showin them haters lol 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Largemouth bass


Family affair -fishing with my sister-

And last but not least. The big shabang. The whole kit and caboodle. Hide your kids, Hide your wife



I tell you what, it takes a lot of skill to successfully catch a fish that small. Right back in he went

Have an awesome day my friends!!!

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