Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #391 - by Allmonitors

#391 - Climbing up the Grotto.

Happy Sunday my fellow Hiveans. Market is still I don't know balancing or having corrections perhaps? 😄 But who cares right? It's only the traders who are mostly affected by the rise and fall of the market, well it benefit us all too when it is up trend which we all want to see but as long we we love what we do, the prize will always come at us no matter what is going on in the market.

So for today I would like to share some photos when we were in Baguio again for a few days of vacation. We went once again to the Grotto area which we haven't been visiting for a long time. My boy was only a few years old when we went here but he is all grown up now. They have this angle and demon figure at the start of one of the stairs leading to the top of the mountain where the grotto is


Me and my son beside the figures. My boy was tired climbing the steps. This is also a good spot for locals to exercise since the elevation is high, it could test everyone stamina.😄

There is a church too at the top of the mountain, a small one good enough for a numbers of people.

Mi familia.

This is what the grotto looks like. Before reaching this summit, we are already tired and in need of water.😄

My wife too had a solo shot beside the angle.

The last few steps leading to the top where the grotto is located.

These next two shots shows me and my son left behind, struggling to climb every step of the way. Imagine starting from the bottom of the mountain.


A statue representing the risen Lord.

And a few more shots of the grotto and also the church beside it. We spent a few minutes here too because we need to rest. Even if the the temperature was cold, climbing this mountain literally made us sweat 💦.




Follow me on my nature travels.
Shot taken in Baguio, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Samsung Z3 Flip. ~rex

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