Wild Tip - Fall is a Good Time for Mulch


Fall is here in the northern hemisphere and it's a great time for mulching! Mulching now comes with some big benefits but also some downsides. Let's dive into them.

Benefits of Fall Mulching

Fall tends to mark the return of the rains here in western Washington. If it's similar in your area then mulching can help protect the soil from the rain.

Rain falling on bare soil can cause erosion, soil compaction, and wash away nutrients that are vital for your plants and you.

With climate change resulting in more rain in the fall and winter in my area I always make sure to cover bare soil with mulch.

But mulching during the wet time of the year also helps to ensure that fungi and other beneficial critters move into the mulch and start breaking it down into rich soil.

The fall is also when grasses start to slow down on their way to winter dormancy. I find I have less issues with grass pushing through my sheet-mulch when I mulch in the fall compared to spring mulching.

Mulching in the fall also works great for preparing land for planting in the spring. You can sheet mulch the existing vegetation like grass and by spring it should all be broken down.

Downsides of Fall Mulching

As much as I love mulching in the fall there are some downsides.

For one while it's great for spring planting it won't help you prepare land for fall planting. Spring mulching works better for fall planting.

But you can still mulch around the plants you plant in the fall. I will be doing this with 7 fruit trees I just ordered. But the grass or other existing vegetation will still be there.

If you live somewhere that freezes in the fall it could be hard to work with frozen mulch. Leaves, straw and woodchips all stick together in big clumps when frozen. So be careful about the timing depending on where you live.

Finally, there is just less daylight to finish your work. Mulching in the dark is not fun but I find I'm often doing it just because it gets dark too early! This is more an issue towards winter but just last night I was out in the dark about 8:00pm finishing up some mulching.

What About You?

So what about you? Do you like to mulch in the fall? Or is spring and summer a better fit for you?

I have a ton of mulching to do this fall to get rid of the last of my old lawn and get it ready for future planting.

I would love to hear from you and your thoughts on fall mulching.

Thank you!

P.S. Don't forget one more great reason to mulch in the fall... fall leaves!

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