(My First Post On Hive)Time To Realize Our Potential And Bring It All Into Balance - Happy Spring Equinox


This is the time, when everything in nature is coming alive and awakening fully after winter. In the winter time everything turns inwards, but now everything is moving outwards. The energy is changing from one of deep inner reflection, to outer manifestation.

And yet most of us are now, confined because of what is happening in the world. We are entering a time of even deeper reflection, but out of this will be a deeper understanding of who we are and how we need to move forward. Things will never return to how they were, because none of us will be the same after this experience.

Although some may fear how isolated they will become, what I have seen is more people reaching out, footage of people connecting more with one another because for once we are all experiencing the same thing. We have something that everyone of us is going through together and we will have a deeper understanding of one another.

The equinox is all about balance, about embracing the light and the dark, embracing our inner realms and our outer realms. Balancing our conscious and unconscious self, really connecting with who we are. This then helps us to create new opportunities, to plant new seeds, that we along with the earth help to nurture and grow.


We are so adaptable and yet we seem to have lost faith in ourselves, we can see this in the panic that has also spread, the panic that arises for so many when they are faced with change. We grow up believing that we need to be in control, when in actual fact there is very little in life that we can control. That is just the nature of things.

What we do control is how we react, be it through our thoughts and/or our actions and right now we need to act in a balanced way, a way in which we can move forwards into new understandings and new actions. We all know that we can not continue to live as we were.

To achieve this we need to bring both the logical, rational side of ourselves, into balance with our intuitive and inner knowing. Both are as valuable as each other, just as both our feminine and masculine energies are , energies we all hold within, but which have been hugely out of balance for quiet some time now.

We really need to start focusing on all the things that we can do, instead of focusing on what has been imposed on us. Now is the time to work on our relationship with ourselves and with those around us. Now is the time to explore what it is that would help you to live a more conscious life, to explore what it is that will make you become more sustainable.

Yes things will get more difficult for some, a lot of people will be without an income. But I expect that we will see people coming together to help one another out, that we will see examples of the true human spirit. Finally realizing our true potential.

I am writing this as my first post on the Hive, as sad as I am to move away from steem, what was happening over there is just another example of how out of balance things had become. The whole vision of Steem got lost, it's true potential got over ridden by one person who's vision was so out of line with the rest of the community.

So lets all come together and bring the Balance to Hive !

Happy Equinox Everyone xx

I have created a Patreon account so if anyone wishes to support me, please do, I will be sharing poetry and words of empowerment.

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