The Many Gifts From The Hawthorn- Tree Of The Heart

Today I walked into town with my youngest daughter strapped onto me. I left my 2 eldest back at the truck with a friend, it's best to keep them out of the town during school hours as I don't want anyone asking me why they are not attending. I walk this way 2-3 times a week and know the way with my eyes closed and I taught I knew every tree and bush that I passed. But today as I was walking up the track I spotted some red berries in the hedge above me and on closer inspection I saw that yes it was a Hawthorn Tree.

How had I not see it before?

But damn if it wasn't just what I needed to see and be present with, right now. The Hawthorn Tree is the 6th tree of the Celtic Tree Ogham, it is know as the tree of the heart and it represents Love, protection, fertility, the release of blocked energy and preparing oneself for spiritual growth.

With all that has been happening in my life, I have been feeling a little drained, emotional and physically. Hawthorn helps us to reach that calmness that we desire in times of inner turmoil. It is a tree that helps us to trust in the process and let go of any fear that we are holding onto. The Hawthorn tree helps us to move forward, by releasing any blocked energies and helps us get to the root of our difficulties.


The Hawthorn Tree we planted for my first daughter with her placenta, as part of her naming ceremony. It is the little tree in the front, right in the middle of the photo, it looks like a heart to me. We visit it ever time we return to Ireland.

It is such a powerful Tree that helps in bringing us to the realization that Love is the greatest healer. Just being in it's presence and connecting with it's energy, warmer my heart and Knowing that their is one tree not very far from my home means I can easily connect with it when I need to.

This tree is all about transformation, it encourages us to act from the heart, to heal any hurts we have, be they from the past or more recent. When I talk about from the past I also mean from our ancestors. We carry those with us and when we open up to the flow of love that is all around us, we are then allowing our lives to become transformed and the world to become transformed.

The Medicinal Uses of The Hawthorn Tree


The leaves, the flowers and the berries can all be used medicinally. All parts are a really powerful heart tonic, helping to open up the arteries and improve blood circulation. It is also really good for stabilizing high blood pressure and for heart palpitations. It is safe to take over a long period of time. Hawthorn is also really good to use for anxiety and during periods of stress, due to it's calming properties.

It is rich in Flavonoids, which help to reduce arterial stiffening and fatty deposits, overall inproving the general health of your blood vessels. If you do wish to use Hawthorn, it is best to not take any pharmaceutical medicine for the heart along side it.

Please remember to always give thanks to the tree when you harvest it. And always remember to only take what you need. The Hawthorn tree also supplies food for many birds and insects. Be grateful for the gifts that it bestows upon us.

The Berries

The hawthorn berries, known as haws are available in the autumn, and can be used fresh to make a tincture and to make tea. Or dried to be used in a decoction and drank daily especially if you suffer from heart problems. The berries are more potent and are better at lowering blood pressure. You can also crush the dried berries and put them in a smoothie or juice or in raw cakes or energy balls, they add such a beautiful red colour. I have used them like this in energy balls, but unfortunately have no photos to share.

The Flowers

The flowers of the hawthorn tree can also be used to make a heart tincture and also used in a fresh infusion to drink daily. You can also add them to salads. The flowers can be dried, so that you have them year round for infusions. The flowers also have a sedative affect and can be used to help with insomnia. They can also be use to make an amazing flower remedy.

Hawthorn is a profound ally in times of heartache and unfathomable loss. This powerful essence helps to regenerate hope and release grief— encircling the heart with comfort and protection, allowing the space and support to begin to heal. No matter where you go, Hawthorn will stay with you—guiding you through unexpected periods of emotional numbness, overwhelming sadness, and the painful trials of loss.

The Leaves

The young leaves can be eaten straight from the tree or added to salads. They also have strong drawing out powers and when made into a poultice will help remove embedded thorns and splinters, I have used it on my girls before at a festival mixed with a little honey and it worked really well.

Drinking Hawthorn tea, really helps to open the heart and helps you to release and let go. It is exactly what I need right now. I really think I am going to have to source some flower essence too. Meeting the Hawthorn Tree today is
another reminder that the universe provides for us, we just need to be open and be willing to receive and to always show our thanks.

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