It Is Time To Heal


Pain comes in so many forms in so many different ways, but it comes to us for a reason. When we neglect to listen to our body, when we neglect to pay attention to how we are living our lives, it will always find ways to manifest. It is important to acknowledge how Amazing Our bodies are, how complex they are and how they are all very unique.

We spend years being educated on how to think away from ourselves. To focus our attention on what is happening externally, to look for answers to all the mysteries happening around us. Yet so many have little or no knowledge of the amazing capabilities that happen on the inside of each and everyone of us. The power that our minds and our bodies hold.

I have many passions in my life, but they all come back to the same thing. Living our Lives in A Natural Way. Listening and understanding to what our bodies are telling us. Feeling our connection with nature, knowing that everything we need to nourish and heal ourselves is provided by nature. That our true wisdom lies in listening to ourselves and opening ourselves up to the wisdom that nature is constantly trying to share with us.From how we birth, to how we eat, to how we breathe. That when we choose to engage with the earth we live on, the land that surrounds us, then it will become in tune with our needs and provide for us. What some may consider weeds, others know them for what they really are, medicinal plants. The benefits are endless and life changing.


Trusting in this relationship we have in nature , trusting and believing that we are nature, is something that has been turned away from. Yet when we first enter this world, we instinctively know this. We feel this connection and there is no words for it, it just is. But so quickly our lives are guided down a different path. Away from our wild and free selves, away from our all knowing selves. But it is not difficult to remember, to begin this journey back to our true self. Nature is constantly trying to find ways to embrace us, to help us embrace ourselves.

Yes we may have centuries of conditioning to overcome and unravel in order to step into and embrace our true relationship with the earth. So many of us may have become isolated from nature, have become intertwined with the mechanical world, have given over to logical thinking. But the shift has begun and the tides are turning. So many people have moved to the edges of society, so many are finding ways to bring their lives in to balance, more people are starting to trust in their intuition, in their instincts and in their hearts. We are returning full circle to our natural state of being.


I see it on here, on Steemit. I see it in the many different communities that have been created. Communities that embrace and celebrate our differences and our similarities. Communities that fully appreciate the many different cultures we all come from, that are willing to learn from the past in order to move forward, to work in harmony with one another and with the earth, this amazing planet that we call our home.

Change can be frightening at first, it can leave us with many questions and feelings of doubt. But we need to remember that we are adaptable, we have this amazing ability to thrive and survive. We need to trust in our abilities, trust our instincts and allow ourselves to be helped and to help others. We need to listen to our Wild Self, listen and allow the spontaneity of life to lead us on a merry journey of truth and self love.

Just like the earth heals itself,
just like the earth continues to evolve and grow,
so do we,
for we are one and the same.
There is a place
for the logic and the wild
and that is side by side,
as it is with the masculine and feminine.
It is time
to bring ourselves into balance,
into flow,
it is time to watch
ourselves grow.

To these amazing communities that are helping to facilitate this growth, that are helping to unite and bring about change, I say thank you.

Thank you @ecotrain,
Thank you @Tribesteemup
Thank you @Tribegloballove
Thank you @naturalmedicine

To all the members within these communities, thank you for inspiring me and for continuing to share your wisdom with me.

I want to share with you all the benefits and wonders we receive when we allow ourselves to live a natural life, a life that keeps our feet on the ground, that keeps us connected with the earth. To be earthed with the earth and be a part of the amazing web of life that surrounds us and that we are all already a part of. To help awaken ourselves. It is a time to celebrate, to celebrate together.

Till next time, allow those wild winds of change into your life and trust that you already know what to do.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp


Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.

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