An original miniature Short Story "Conversation between the Dead and one Living"

Rose from my garden smells super fragrant; Type: "Rose de Resht")

"Conversation between the Dead and one Living"

D: Once I am done slaving I will have the time of my life in the old peoples home! Why would you want to be independent anyway? Sounds like a big risk, no fun, and not even a pension to look forward to possibly...

L : You know what mate? That pension doesn't sound like fun, nor does the old peoples home.

L: I rather risk a jump into the unknown, cause hell... this world is not known to my Heart In all its Dead Living Things...
Yet my Heart seems unknown in this world and with the unknown I have fallen in Love. I see it in all things even those that appear so Dead, yet I do my best to love the unknown out of hiding, while jumping with all of my being into it. Loving it to pieces, the dark, the light, the peaks, the valleys.

L: I look around not knowing where I am, superficially I see burning Hell, yet when I fell in Love somehow it became layered with my hearts sight of paradise, I can See it, just need to carve out of the big marble block of hell, the paradise that I see already there waiting to be brought out to light by chipping away at the stone that is my life.

-by Ravenking Owner of Catharsiopa.euSealRavenking.jpg

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