Traditional Medicine from My Mother: Agathi (Sesbania grandiflora) heal my knee joint injuries



In this post I want to tell about my experience recovering from a knee injury that I felt with traditional medicine a few days ago. I have written this testimonial on in Indonesian. But this time I tried to write back about the benefits of Agathi leaf (Sesbania grandiflora) which can cure my knee injury.

Initially I suffered a knee injury while exercising Badminton near my home. Some time ago I felt a great pain in my left knee. As a result, I could not have the ability for almost a week. Finally I recovered after receiving instructions from my mother to use agathi leaves that I milled then I mixed with lime juice, then I applied it to the aching knee.

My mother said, I don't need to see a doctor, she said agathi leaves can quickly cure bone damage or pain due to a collision. I rushed to my neighbor's place, in his yard, planted a lot of Agathi trees, and took them. Then I asked my wife to grind agathi leaves. I use it by rubbing it on my aching knee. when i want to sleep.

Not long, for three nights I rubbed the crushed agathi leaves mixed with lime juice. My knee has recovered from an injury. and I don't feel pain anymore. My mother said, treatment of sprained injuries with agathi leaves is a traditional medicine hereditary in our family.

Agathi (Sesbania grandiflora)

According to my mother's story, Agathi leaves can also be used for broken bones. and as a traditional medicine for blood clots in the body due to accidents. namely by drinking a mixture of Agathi leaves mixed with honey, taken once a day in the morning. while Agathi flowers are very good for canker sores in the mouth. Agathi flowers contain lots of vitamin C, my mother's story.

Agathi leaves have been crushed

My writing is useful for friends who have suffered a bone injury to try using Agathi leaves. so you don't have trouble seeing a surgeon. Please try, this is traditional medicine and I have benefited. If the pain persists please contact a medical expert.

By : @ilyasismail

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