Ernie, the 'natural' man speaks ... example of a incredible man (who knows the law) ... you-tube dose not promote him ...

so his channel is "Elias Alias" on youtube and I can`t acknowledge he has so few views ... his videos are probably "hidden"

also i uploaded some this to vimeo in case youtube decides to ban him ...

so this is the actual cour case
also on youtube : at least for now ...
"It was a packed courtroom on Tuesday for the hearing of Ernie Tertelgte, a Manhattan man who says he's being wrongly prosecuted for trying to feed himself.

Tertelgte, 52 years old, was arrested on Monday and is accused of fishing without a license and then resisting arrest.

He appeared before the judge via video from the Gallatin County Detention Center, and it was standing room only more than a dozen friends and family members filled the small courtroom.

Tertelgte appeared subdued and respectful before the Justice of the Peace during Tuesday's court session, which went very differently than his court appearance earlier this month, where Tertelgte and Three Forks City Judge Wanda Drusch got into a heated exchange.

Terteltge argued that the court did not have the authority to charge him, citing "natural law."

He told the judge, "You are trying to create a fictitious, fraudulent action." He continued, "I am the living man, protected by natural law."

He then yelled, "Do not tell me to shut up! I am the living, natural man, and my voice will be heard!" "

this is the description of whoever posted this on youtube I do not take credit for it this is where u can donate to him ... I will use steam profits from his videos in that regard and if you want i will try and make subtitles for some of the less eligible ones ...

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