Is the NAP Valid?

My argument with most people claiming to love liberty is the definition of "harm". They usually believe that THEY can determine what harm is for anyone else and that it is always objective. i disagree.

Unless the fathers of philosophy, psychiatry, and psychology are all wrong, those believing such lies are also way wrong. Words hold the very key to life and death. Words are powerful and they have actual meaning. Unless real science like the Milgram experiments are also wrong, these "lovers of liberty and truth" are also way wrong. People are EASILY influenced by words because they hold real power to influence thoughts and actions.

If words are so meaningless in your belief system, tell me genius, why do advertisers spend millions trying to influence you with words? Because words hold the very power of life and death!

Ever heard this phrase? "The pen is mightier than the sword." I bet you do not believe that to be true. It is.

Every fight you have ever seen or known about likely started with mere words. When you tell your child you love them, are they mere words to you? When you tell your enemies you hate their behavior are those mere words also?

Words can be full of love and life. They can also be full of hate and death. When words are neutral, they hold little power and are usually only informational in nature. This is why people curse. They are correct that when they add their emotions to their words, their words then have significantly more power behind them.

What people have failed to realize is the fact that love conquers all and that words of love are the most powerful. Those gravitating towards the dark side would do well to remember their side is already defeated.

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